Properties physical types

The Structural Properties

The Kinematics Properties

The RTM Properties

The Others Properties

The structural properties

Theses properties are applied on structural elements and have the particularity to all have a MATERIAL characteristic. This characteristic is a pointer which references the explicit material entity which should be under the material explicit set. Indeed, in the update mechanism of the field model, the material set (and therefore its child material) is always updated before the property set (and therefore before the child properties). For all the structural properties listed here after, the MATERIAL characteristic is present but not in the list of characteristic.

On this scheme, the reference axis is chosen by the user and not stored in the field model. In case the X and Y axis of the reference axis is not in the element plane, they are projected in the plane axis. The element is in blue on the scheme with the node numbers (local to the element). The first edge which is used to define the MATERIAL_ANGLE characteristic is the oriented edge that goes from node 1 to node 2 of the element. Note that in this particular scheme, the normal to the element would be positively oriented in the same sense as Z. Note also that the number of ANGLE characteristics defined has to be equal to the number of laminates, as the number of MATERIAL_ANGLE defined should be equal to the number of elements on which the property is applied (if only one is defined, i.e. repeat=1, then the unique value is taken for all the elements).

On the scheme, the red stripes shows the orientation of one laminate.

With this model one cannot under the same entity property have a different stack-up for two elements on which the property is applied.


The cinematic properties

Theses properties are applied on cinematic elements. No MATERIAL characteristic is associated to on any of these properties.


The RTM* properties



* Resin Transfer Molding

The Other Properties
