3D PLM Enterprise Architecture

User Interface - Frame

Creating a Document's Window - Part 2

How to create a multi-viewers window
Use Case


This article shows how to create a window to display a document. It explains more precisely the specificity of a multi-viewers window. In the other hand, the use case described in the "Creating a Document's Window - Part 1" article [1] enables you to understand how to launch a document's window from a command.

What You Will Learn With This Use Case

This use case is intended to show how to create a window with several viewers for document of a given type [2].


The CAAAfrCustomWindow Use Case

CAAAfrCustomWindow is a use case of the CAAApplicationFrame.edu framework that illustrates the ApplicationFrame framework capabilities.


What Does CAAAfrCustomWindow Do

The CAAAfrCustomWindow use case creates a document window for CAASample documents.

CAAAfrCustomWindow.jpg (42069 bytes)


How to Launch CAAAfrCustomWindow

See the section entitled "How to Launch the CAAGeometry Use Case" in the "The CAAGeometry Sample" use case for a detailed description of how this use case should be launched. For the specific scenario :

Do not type the module name on the command line, but type CNEXT instead. When the application is ready, do the following:


Where to Find the CAAAfrCustomWindow Code

The CAAAfrCustomWindow use case is made up of a single class named CAAAfrCustomWindow located in the CAAAfrGeoWindows.m module of the CAAApplicationFrame.edu framework:

Windows InstallRootDirectory\CAAApplicationFrame.edu\CAAAfrGeoWindows.m\
Unix InstallRootDirectory/CAAApplicationFrame.edu/CAAAfrGeoWindows.m/

where InstallRootDirectory is the directory where the CAA CD-ROM is installed. It includes the CAAAfrCustomWindow.h  header file in the PrivateInterfaces directory of the CAAApplicationFrame.edu framework and the CAAAfrCustomWindow.cpp source file in the src directory.



To create the custom window, there are five steps:

# Step Where
1 Create the custom window class LocalInterfaces and src
2 Provide the dialog object behavior Build method
3 Provide the MDI document window behavior Build method
4 Duplicate the window Duplicate method
5 Delete the window DeleteWindow and Destructor


Creating the Custom Window Class

This document window includes two 3D viewers of different sizes located in the upper part of the window, and a 2D viewer located in the lower part of the window. The class for this window is CAAAfrCustomWindow, whose header file is as follows.

class CAAAfrCustomWindow: public CATFrmWindow
    CAAAfrCustomWindow(const CATString & iName, CATFrmEditor * iEditor=NULL);
    virtual ~CAAAfrCustomWindow();
    virtual CATFrmWindow * DuplicateWindow();
    virtual void DeleteWindow();
    void Build();
    void GetViewers(CATNavigation3DViewer ** oV1,
                       CATNavigation3DViewer ** oV2, 
                       CATNavigation2DViewer ** oV3);
    CATNavigation3DViewer * _pViewer1;
    CATNavigation3DViewer * _pViewer2;
    CATNavigation2DViewer * _pViewer3;
    CATPathElement        * _pRootObjectPath;

CAAAfrCustomWindow has 

The constructor class is simple.

CAAAfrCustomWindow::CAAAfrCustomWindow(const CATString & iName,
                                       CATFrmEditor    * iEditor)
                  : CATFrmWindow(iName, iEditor),
                    _pViewer1(NULL), _pViewer2(NULL), _pViewer3(NULL),


Providing the Dialog Object Behavior

The dialog object behavior consists in:

The constructor creates the viewers, arranges them in the window and sets one of them the current viewer.

  1. Instantiating the different viewers to display
    void CAAAfrCustomWindow::Build()
      int width, height;
      CATString  ViewerName; 
      CATDlgFrame * FrameWindow = GetViewerFrame() ;
      CATString FrameName = "FrameName";
      CATDlgFrame * Frame = new CATDlgFrame(FrameWindow, FrameName,
      ViewerName = "Viewer3Dnum1";
      width = 200 ; height = 200;
      _pViewer1 = new CATNavigation3DViewer(Frame, ViewerName, width, height);
      ViewerName = "Viewer3Dnum2" ;
      width = 200 ; height = 300 ;
      _pViewer2 = new CATNavigation3DViewer(Frame, ViewerName, width, height);
      ViewerName = "Viewer2D" ;
      width = 200 ; height = 500 ;
      _pViewer3 = new CATNavigation2DViewer(Frame, ViewerName, width, height);

    The viewer sizes are given in pixels. The MDI application window, here named Frame, is the parent of the viewers. This frame has been created to be inserted between the frame created by the CATFrmWindow ( FrameWindow ) and the viewers. It allows us to arrange the viewers with the grid layout and not with the tabulation layout [3] which is a little bit more complex. The FrameWindow frame has not been created with the CATDlgGridLayout style [1]. 

  2. Arranging these viewers in the document window

    The Attach4Sides method attaches the Frame object to the four sides of the FrameWindow object. It is a method used by the tabulation layout. 

    Then the SetGridConstraints method applied to _Viewer1 is located on grid cells beginning with the cell at the intersection of the row 0 and column 0, and expands from left to right on 1 row, and from top to bottom on 1 column. CATGRID_4SIDES means that the viewer occupies the whole cell space. Row 0 and 1, as well as columns 0 and 1, as first argument of the SetGridxxResizable methods, are declared to be resizable since the second argument is 1 (on the opposite, 0 means non resizable.)

    CAAAfrCustomWindow.gif (2992 bytes)

  3. Setting the current viewer

    The Reframe method ensures that the whole contents of _pViewer1 is displayed, while the SetViewer method sets _pViewer1 as the current viewer. You will retrieve this viewer with the GetViewer method of the CATFrmWindow class. 

    We have now a nice document window, but few interactive mechanisms are available. Let's assign them now.


Providing the MDI Document Window Behavior

The MDI document window behavior consists in:

  1. Retrieving the visualization manager and the document root object

    Still in the Build method, let's now the unique visualization manager be aware of the document to display, under which viewpoints. The GetEditor method of the CATFrmWindow enables you to retrieve the editor of the constructor class.

      CATFrmEditor * pEditor = GetEditor();
      CATVisManager * pVisuManager = CATVisManager::GetVisManager();
      // Here is the code to retrieve the root model, pRootObject

    In this article the code to retrieve the model to display is not explained once it is not useful for a real V5 document. 

  2. Requesting the document to create its graphics representation(s) and attaching them to the visualization manager
      if ( (NULL != pEditor  ) && (NULL != pRootObject ) && (NULL != pVisuManager) )
          _pRootObjectPath = new CATPathElement(pRootObject);
          CATCommand * CommandSelector = (CATCommand*) pEditor->GetCommandSelector();
          list<IID> ListIVisu3d, ListIVisu2d;
          IID visu3d = IID_CATI3DGeoVisu;
          IID visu2d = IID_CATI2DGeoVisu;
          CATViewpoint * pViewPoint1 = NULL;
          CATViewpoint * pViewPoint2 = NULL;
          CATViewpoint * pViewPoint3 = NULL;
          pViewPoint1 = (CATViewpoint*) &(_pViewer1->GetMain3DViewpoint());
          pViewPoint2 = (CATViewpoint*) &(_pViewer2->GetMain3DViewpoint());
          pViewPoint3 = (CATViewpoint*) &(_pViewer3->GetMain2DViewpoint());

    If the editor, the visualization manager, and the root object are successfully retrieved, this root object is then turned to a CATPathElement, the command selector, that is, the command that stands at the top of the command tree [4], is retrieved, and the lists of 2D and 3D interfaces implemented by the objects of the documents are set up. Then for each viewer, its main viewpoint is retrieved and attached to the visualization manager along with the document's root object, the list of interfaces to use, and the command selector.

  3. Managing the links between these objects and all the other objects enabling interactivity
          CATPSO * pPSO = pEditor->GetPSO() ;  // Preselected Set Objects 
          CATHSO * pHSO = pEditor->GetHSO() ;  // Highlighted Set Objects 
          pVisuManager->AttachPSOTo(pPSO, pViewPoint1);
          pVisuManager->AttachPSOTo(pPSO, pViewPoint2);
          pVisuManager->AttachPSOTo(pPSO, pViewPoint3);
          pVisuManager->AttachHSOTo(pHSO, pViewPoint1);
          pVisuManager->AttachHSOTo(pHSO, pViewPoint2);
          pVisuManager->AttachHSOTo(pHSO, pViewPoint3);
          CATISO * pISO = pEditor->GetISO(); 

    This piece of code retrieves the Preselected Set of Objects (PSO) and the Highlighted Set of Objects (HSO) from the editor, and requests the visualization controller to attach the appropriate viewpoints to the PSO and to the HSO. Now, when the end user moves the mouse above a representation in a viewer, the path element corresponding to this representation is put in the PSO, is highlighted and put in the HSO. 

    The Interactive Set of Objects (ISO) is also retrieved. These objects are those which don't belong to the document, but that are so handy to manipulate representations in viewers, such as handles to move or deform them. The ISO now knows the three viewers.

    The document window Build method is now complete.


Duplicating a Document Window

This is done thanks to the Duplicate method.

CATFrmWindow * CAAAfrCustomWindow :: DuplicateWindow()
  CATString NameOfThis = GetBaseName().CastToCharPtr();
  CAAAfrCustomWindow * pWindowToReturn = NULL;
  pWindowToReturn = new CAAAfrCustomWindow(NameOfThis,GetEditor());

  float r,v,b ;
  if (NULL != _pViewer1) _pViewer1->GetBackgroundColor(&r, &v, &b);

  CATNavigation3DViewer * pV1 = NULL;
  CATNavigation3DViewer * pV2 = NULL;
  CATNavigation2DViewer * pV3 = NULL;

  pWindowToReturn->GetViewers(&pV1, &pV2, &pV3);
  if (NULL != pV1) pV1->SetBackgroundColor(r, v, b);

  return  pWindowToReturn;

The Duplicate method is now complete. It performs the following:

This method uses the GetViewers method below:

void CAAAfrCustomWindow :: GetViewers(CATNavigation3DViewer ** oV1,
                                      CATNavigation3DViewer ** oV2, 
                                      CATNavigation2DViewer ** oV3)
  *oV1 = _pViewer1;
  *oV2 = _pViewer2;
  *oV3 = _pViewer3;


Deleting the Window

void CAAAfrCustomWindow::DeleteWindow()
  if ( (NULL != GetEditor()) && (NULL != pViewer1) &&
       (NULL != pViewer2)    && (NULL != pViewer3) )
    // Detaches Viewers from the ISO 
    pISO = GetEditor()->GetISO();
    if (NULL != pISO) pISO->RemoveViewer(_pViewer1);
    if (NULL != pISO) pISO->RemoveViewer(_pViewer2);
    if (NULL != pISO) pISO->RemoveViewer(_pViewer3);

    // Retrieves Viewpoints
    CATViewpoint * pViewpoint1 = NULL;
    CATViewpoint * pViewpoint2 = NULL;
    CATViewpoint * pViewpoint3 = NULL;
    pViewpoint1 = (CATViewPoint *) &(_pViewer1->GetMain3DViewpoint());
    pViewpoint2 = (CATViewPoint *) &(_pViewer2->GetMain3DViewpoint());
    pViewpoint3 = (CATViewPoint *) &(_pViewer3->GetMain2DViewpoint());

    // Retrieves the unique visu manager
    CATVisManager *pVisuManager = CATVisManager::GetVisManager();
    if ( (NULL != pViewpoint1) &&
         (NULL != pViewpoint2) &&
         (NULL != pViewpoint3) && (NULL != pVisuManager) )
      // Detaches Viewpoints from PSO and HSO

      // Detaches Viewpoints from the visu manager
      pVisuManager->DetachFrom(_pRootObjectPath, pViewpoint1);
      pVisuManager->DetachFrom(_pRootObjectPath, pViewpoint2);
      pVisuManager->DetachFrom(_pRootObjectPath, pViewpoint3);

  if (NULL != _pRootObjectPath) delete _pRootObjectPath;
  _pRootObjectPath = NULL;

The document window is deleted thanks to the DeleteWindow method, that removes the viewers from the ISO, then retrieves their viewpoints and detaches them from the PSO and from the HSO, and  that recursively calls the DeleteWindow method of the base class. The destructor simply deletes the path to the root object. No need to delete the viewers, since as any dialog object, they will be automatically deleted when the window itself will be deleted.


In Short

This use case explains the structure of a document's window class:



[1] Creating a Document's Window - Part 1
[2] Understanding the Application Frame Layout
[3] Arranging Dialog Objects
[4] The CAA Command Model


Version: 1 [Jan 2000] Document created
Version: 2 [Mar 2003] Document updated

Copyright © 2000, Dassault Systèmes. All rights reserved.