List of PRM Resources and Flags

atarget.gif (1372 bytes) A list of the resources and flags used in the sample project resource management file is provided here. See Structure manuals for resources relevant to those applications.

The list is generally in alphabetical order. However, where a resource name is preceded by an application name, then the application name is usually dropped. (This may not be the case when a resource is unique to just one application.) For instance, the resource IDSchema exists for most applications, and is listed as PipingIDSchema, EquipmentIDSchema, etc. This resource is listed only as IDSchema below.

The resource names used in the PRM file usually do not have spaces. However, spaces have been added in most of the resource names shown below to allow for easier reading. Always check the PRM file to determine the exact resource name.

ascenari.gif (1364 bytes) 1. 2D3D Association Status Option: When the value of the Location field is set to 1, the 2D3D Integrator displays a yellow checkmark for a 2D object that has a corresponding 3D physical object with the same instance ID, but the two are not associated.

2D3D Integration Status Report: The name and location of the output file used when you generate an integration report for a schematic driven design.

Always Use Spec From Line: In the Location field, enter 0 if you always want to use the specification from the Line. Enter 1 if you only want to use the specification of the Line during Respec of parts and runs.

Annotation Catalog: Catalog of text templates. Text templates allow the user to quickly and easily annotate a diagram or drawing.

Attributes That Can be Modified: You can use this to allow protected attributes to be modified on an instance. Some attributes that are defined on a reference part cannot be modified on the placed instance. To make them modifiable, create a file using a text editor (like WordPad) and list all the attributes you want to be able to modify. Name the file AttributesThatCanbeModified.txt. You can place the file anywhere you want - make sure the correct directory path is specified in the Location field. NOTE: This resource is commented out in the sample PRM file (project.xml). If you need to use it you must un-comment it and take the other steps outlined above.

Bendable Polyline: Enabling this feature creates heavy bendables with a polyline. Existing bendables are converted to polyline when modified. To enable, enter the value 1 for the Location field. To disable, enter 0.

  • Using option 0, the bendable is created with a Join as the center curve of the Rib. Dimensions created on the 2-D representation of this bendable will not be associative because the geometry is recreated during 3-D modification.
  • Using option 1, the bendable is created with a Polyline as the center curve of the Rib. Dimensions created on the 2-D representation of this bendable will be associative because the geometry is modified and not recreated during 3-D modification.

NOTE: To migrate a V4 tubing bendable to V5 so that the centerline is a polyline, you must also add the resource BendablePolyLine under the discipline CATAECV4V5Migration in the PRM file. The value of the Location field must be set to 1.

Cable Category Wildcard: The value in the Location field controls routing behavior of cables through a hanger or raceway. The behavior is explained in the Electrical Cableway Routing User Guide, Customizing - Customizing Settings. If you add any character (usually *) in the Location field (Location="*") then the wildcard is enabled. (Do not use a space.) To enable the wildcard behavior you must also use the same character  as the value for the attribute Cable Category for the hanger or raceway.

Catalog: The parts catalog for 2D applications, e.g. PIDCatalog. The parts catalog for 3D applications is generally referred to as a "parts catalog", e.g. PipingPartsCatalog.  Catalog locations can be changed, with an associated change in the PRM file.

Computed Attributes: This entry shows the location of the ComputedAttributes.txt file. The computed attributes contained in this file will display in the Properties dialog box. You can change the location of this file, and update the PRM file accordingly. You can also change the entries in the file.

Color Schema Directory: When you assign default colors to objects using the feature dictionary, a file is created for each object containing that definition. These files are stored in this directory, defined under "Location."

CompAccessPlateGenerationOptions (Compartment Access Plate Generation Options): A file in which attribute values for Structures plates, that are generated from Compartment and Access wall geometry, can be defined.

Connect To Incompatible Neighbor (see also Ignore Neighbor Compatibility): This allows you to override the compatibility design rules. Three options are available to you. Enter the option number in the Location field.

  • 0 - Tube, pipe. duct or bendable will connect to a part only if they are compatible. The relevant Tools - Options setting is grayed out (Tools > Options > Design Criteria).
  • 1 - Tube, pipe. duct or bendable will connect to a part even if they are not compatible. The relevant Tools - Options setting is grayed out (Tools > Options > Design Criteria).
  • 2 - The Tools - Options setting is not grayed out and can be changed by the user. The default behavior for the current session is derived from the CATSettings.

Connector Attributes: This file lists the attributes that will be inherited (from the part) by a connector when you are placing it on a part. If you want to make changes to the attributes you want a connector to inherit you must do it in this file. Do not change the name of this file.

Create External Link: Controls whether there will be an external link between a flexible and the part to which it is routed. Works together with the option Restrict external selection with link to published elements in the tab page Tools - Options - Infrastructure - Part Infrastructure - General. If the value of the Location field is:

  • 0 - External link will not be created.
  • 1, and the option is not selected - An external link is created, even if the selected geometry is not published.
  • 1, and the option is selected - External link will be restricted to published geometry. Geometry that is not published cannot be selected.

Create XXX Run Without Parts: XXX is an application name, such as Piping. If set to True a run will be migrated (from V4 to V5) without the parts.

Delete Part On Run: This entry is used to control whether all parts on a run will be deleted when you delete the run. If you enter the value of "Location" as 1 then the parts will be deleted. If you enter the value 0 then the parts will not be deleted when you delete the run.

Design Rules Catalog: Usually preceded by an application name. You need to use the default location and file name.

Design Validation Input Criteria: This file lists the design validation checks that require users to specify values. Enter name and location of the file you want to use.

Design Validation Mandatory Attributes: This file lists the values associated with certain attributes that will always be checked when a design validation is done. This check only determines whether or not a value has been assigned to that attribute. Enter name and location of the file you want to use.

Design Validation Report: The name and location of the output file used for the design validation function.

Discipline Super Class: This is a text file that lists the object classes that will be visible in a class browser when you are in the Equipment Arrangement workbench. You can have files at project, discipline and application level. The filter will only work with a user-generated PRM file.

Discrete values: Many attributes have discrete values and this directory is used to store them. 

Electrical Design Rules Catalog: Enter the location of the Design Rules Catalog in the Location field.

Equip Design Rules Catalog: This is used by 2D applications when assigning a part type to a 2D part.

Equip Parts Catalog: This is used by 2D applications when assigning a part type to a 2D part.

EquipSystems UserDictionaries: This text file contains a list of CATfct files to be loaded by Knowledgeware. You must define this resource at the project level for it to be available for 2-D and 3-D applications and disciplines. 

Function Driven: This is a flag that controls parts placement in Equipment Arrangement. The value in the Location field dictates: 1 - Function driven equipment placement is possible; 2 - Only functionless equipment placement is possible. (Schematic driven parts placement is not possible in Equipment Arrangement.); 3 - Both function driven and functionless equipment placement are possible (a final Tools - Options setting is needed. See Functionless Parts Placement in Equipment Arrangement documentation.)

Get Line From Selection: For routing purposes. The following options can be entered in the Location field:

  • 0 - The Line ID from selected run will be used and the Get Line ID From Selection button in the Routing dialog box will be grayed out;
  • 1 - The Line ID from the selected run will NOT be used and the Get Line ID From Selection button in the Routing dialog box will be grayed out;
  • 2 - The Get Line ID From Selection button in the Routing dialog box will be available, and the user can change it. The default behavior for the current session is derived from the CATSettings.

Get Size From Selection: For routing purposes. The following options can be entered in the Location field:

  • 0 - Nominal Size from the selected run will be used and the Get Line Size from Selection button in the Routing dialog box will be grayed out;
  • 1 - Nominal Size from the selected run will NOT be used and the Get Line Size from Selection button in the Routing dialog box will be grayed out;
  • 2 - The Get Line Size from Selection button in the Routing dialog box will be available, and the user can change it. The default behavior for the current session is derived from the CATSettings.

Get Spec From Selection: For routing purposes. The following options can be entered in the Location field:

  • 0 - The specification from the selected run will be used and the Get Line Spec from Selection button in the Routing dialog box will be grayed out;
  • 1 - The specification from the selected run will be NOT used and the Get Line Spec from Selection button in the Routing dialog box will be grayed out;
  • 2 - The Get Line Spec from Selection button in the Routing dialog box will be available, and the user can change it. The default behavior for the current session is derived from the CATSettings.

Graphic 2D Symbols Catalog: For Piping, this is the catalog in which the 2-D equivalents of 3-D endstyles are stored. For Equipment, this catalog contains 2-D symbols for center of gravity. See Drawing Production for more information.

Graphic Representations: When you create graphic representations for a part you need a file in which to store the categories (single, double, etc.). That file is created within an application, as you will see later. There is also a file under Project Resources because the categories must be available to all applications. If you add a new category you must include it in this file too. Enter a new location and file name if you want to change them.

Growth Factor: Some applications allow you to reserve space in some parts for future growth. You can, for instance, reserve space in a conduit for future growth. The space saved for future growth will be equal to the value you enter in the "Location" field. If you enter 0.2 it means that 20 percent of the space in a conduit will be reserved for future growth and you will only be allowed to use 80 percent of the space in it.

Hanger Cable Clearance: The value in the Location field is the cable clearance, in millimeters. This value plus the diameter of the cable you are routing must be less than the tier spacing of the hanger. The cable clearance value is assigned when a hanger is placed.

HVAC Up Direction: The value in the Location field determines the 'Up' direction of a part that is placed on a run. There are two numerals in this field - the first dictates the up direction for a part placed on a horizontal run, the second is for a vertical run. Thus, if the value is 00, the Up direction will the same for both horizontal and vertical runs. The values are: 0 - follow the run's Up Direction; 1 - Up direction will follow the X axis; 2 - follow Y axis; 3 - follow Z axis.

ID Schema Resources: The "location" lists the directory where the rules for naming objects are stored. Use the default location provided in the sample file. You need to have this for every application you use. In addition, there is an entry for "MultiDisciplineIDSchema." This location is used for objects -such as zones - that are used by all disciplines. 

ID Sequence Number: The IDSequenceNumber directory contains the last sequence number that was generated for an object. You should specify a location for it.

Ignore Neighbor Compatibility (see also Connect To Incompatible Neighbor): During part placement, the parts selection list will be displayed based on this setting. Three options are available to you. Enter the option number in the Location field.

  • 0 - Tube, pipe. duct or bendable will display only if they are compatible with the neighboring part. The relevant Tools - Options setting is grayed out (Tools > Options > Design Criteria).
  • 1 - Tube, pipe. duct or bendable will display even if they are not compatible with the neighboring part. The relevant Tools - Options setting is grayed out (Tools > Options > Design Criteria).
  • 2 - The Tools - Options setting is not grayed out and can be changed by the user. The default behavior for the current session is derived from the CATSettings.

Import...: Usually followed by a type of line, such as Piping Line. Used when migrating V4 data to V5. If set to True a line will be created in the V5 Piping Line catalog if it does not exist. When set to False, the migration process will stop if the line does not exist in V5.

Importer CATfcts: This lists the location of your CATfct files, and is used when migrating V4 models to V5. If you change the location of the CATfct files you must enter the new location in the "Location" field. You do not need to do anything if you continue to use the default location.

Instrument Line Attribute Filter: A file that defines the list of instrumentation related attributes used to filter the Instrument Line ID selection list.

Instrument Lines Catalog: The file where shared instrument lines (line IDs) are stored.

Insulation Spec Catalog: Usually preceded by an application name, such as HVAC. If you intend to use different resources, which is likely, then you must enter the new file name and location, as appropriate.

Length Unit: The unit used for defining the Bounding Box length.

Line ID Attribute Filter:  A file that defines the list of attributes used to filter the application Line ID selection list.

Lines Catalog: Usually preceded by an application name. The file where shared lines (line IDs) are stored.

Material Management Mode: The  value of the Location field determines the default state of the option Show Preferred List Only in Material & Orientation dialogs.  None: The option displays in its last opened state. ActiveUnSpec: The option is unselected. ActiveSpec: The option is selected.

Material Spec Catalog: Usually preceded by an application name, such as HVAC. If you intend to use different resources, which is likely, then you must enter the new file name and location, as appropriate.

Migrate...: Usually followed by an application name. This option is used when migrating V4 data to V5. Set the value of Location to True if you want data of this type to be migrated into your V5 document. Set it to False if you do not want it migrated.

Migration Mapping Table: The migration mapping table maps V4 classes and attributes to V5. There are other mapping tables specific to applications, such as Tubing Migration Mapping Table, which maps V4 tubing detail names to V5, and Structures Migration Mapping Table, which maps structures names from V4 to V5.

Migrated PID No Show Sheet Format: The sheet format (also known as title block) will not be visible if the value of "Location" is set to False.

Migrated XXX Sheet Size: XXX is an application name, such as PID. Enter the size in the Location field - Letter, Legal, A0, ISO/A1, ISO/A2, ISO/A3, ISO/A4, ISO/A, ANSI/B, ANSI/C, ANSI/D, ANSI/E, ANSI/F, ANSI).

Migrate XXX With Missing Lines: XXX is an application name, such as PID. If set to True the sheet will be migrated even if some Lines cannot be. If set to False the migration process will stop if missing lines are encountered.

Molded Conventions: Location of a file that contains the rules defining molded conventions for structural objects.

Naming Section Characteristics: Location of the NLS file that lists names of sections whose names should not be changed. This is for internal use. Do not change anything in this entry.

Offsheets Catalog: Usually preceded by an application name, such as PID. The catalog of offsheet symbols to be used in a schematic diagram.

Orientation Naming Convention: This is a variable that defines the ship coordinate system, whether it is American or European. For American convention enter the following in the Location field: CATStrOrientNamingUSAConv.

Out Of Spec Warning: Controls a warning message during parts placement. The following options can be entered in the Location field: 0 - Do not display a warning message during Spec-driven part placement if the specification of the part is different from the specification of the Line; 1 - Display a warning message during Spec-driven part placement if the specification of the part is different from the specification of the Line.

Override Reference Attributes Using Dimension Rule: Controls whether a part that is to be placed should obtain its wall thickness and outside diameter from the Dimension Rule, or from the Design Table. The default is 0, meaning the part will pick up the values from the Design Table. If you want the values to be picked up from the Dimension Rule then enter 1 in the Location field.

Partially resolved reference part number options & unique reference part number options: These two entries define how a placed part will be named. 'Unique reference' parts are those that have at least one property (or all properties) that can have infinite values. An HVAC duct is an example. 'Partially resolved' parts are those in which the values of all properties are defined by a design table. Valves are an example. In this entry, if you enter 1 in the Location field then the name of the placed part will be derived from the design table. If you enter 2 then the name will be derived from the object naming rules.

Parts Catalog: The parts catalog for 3D applications, e.g. PipingPartsCatalog or TubingPartsCatalog. Contains parametric parts. If you intend to use different resources, which is likely, then you must enter the new file name and location, as appropriate.

Part Number Maximum Length: The value of the Location field controls the number of letters allowed in the part number when placing a part. The default value is EV5. You can enter any of the following values.

  • NoLimit - No limit on the number of letters that can be used in the part number.
  • Automatic - Limits the number of letters allowed based on the setting for the environment in which the user is working.
  • EV5 - The maximum number of letters allowed by Enovia V5 will be used.
  • VPM - The maximum number of letters allowed by VPM will be enforced.
  • (Integer) - Enter a positive integer. The number of letters allowed in the part name will be limited to this number.

Part File Name Maximum Length: The value of the Location field controls the number of letters allowed in the part file name. The default value is EV5. You can enter any of the following values.

  • NoLimit - No limit on the number of letters that can be used in the file name.
  • Automatic - Limits the number of letters allowed based on the setting for the environment in which the user is working.
  • EV5 - The maximum number of letters allowed by Enovia V5 will be used.
  • (Integer) - Enter a positive integer. The number of letters allowed in the part name will be limited to this number.

Penetration Openings Catalog: The profiles of the holes you may want to make through walls and partitions to pass pipes and ducts are noted in this catalog. If you make a new profile you must enter it here too. Enter a new location and file name if you want to change them.

Project Envelope: (Bounding Box) Location of a file that specifies the dimensions of your project - if you are designing a ship then it will be set within these dimensions. You can define the unit used for measuring - the default is millimeter - and change the default values for each direction. The values are measured from the origin (000).

Project Parameters: Location of a file that defines a ship's coordinate system.

Project Reference Planes: Location of a file that contains defined project reference planes used in some Structures applications.

Publication Based Connections: This entry controls whether publication based connections will be used when establishing connections between elements in different work packages. When this flag is on (the value in the Location field is 1), the system will use publication based link technology. This link technology is intended to improve support for configuration management, revision management and concurrent engineering. When working in an ENOVIA environment, publication based connections are used for all cross document connections, regardless of the setting of this resource.

Reference Grid System: Location of the CATPart that contains the reference grid definition used by applications. You need to modify this entry if you change the location of the CATPart or rename it.

Report Definitions: Usually preceded by an application name, such as Hanger. The formats (definitions) you create for running reports are stored in this directory.

Report Expressions: The location of the directory where expressions are stored. If the value of the Visible field is Yes - which is the default at application level - then expressions are available. 'No' means they are not - this is the default at the discipline level. You can change these as needed.

Resolved XXX Parts: (XXX is an application name.) When you place a parametric part in a document it assumes specific dimensions. Once a part has specific dimensions it is placed in the Resolved Parts catalog. The location of the default Resolved Parts catalog is listed here.

Schematic Driven: This is a flag that needs to be set for schematic driven routing and parts placement. If the value of "Location" is set to 0 then individual users can check or uncheck an option that allows schematic driven 3D design.  If the value is set to 1 then the option "schematic driven" is always selected and users cannot uncheck it. (In Equipment Arrangement, schematic driven parts placement is not possible if the Function Driven flag is set to 2.)

Spec Driven: This flag gives you the option of using the selected specifications catalog, or not. Change the value in the "Location" field as follows: 0 - you can control whether or not to be spec driven during parts placement; 1 - always spec driven during part placement; 2 - always non-spec driven during part placement.

Specifications Catalog: Usually preceded by an application name, such as Piping. If you intend to use different resources, which is likely, then you must enter the new file name and location, as appropriate.

Standards Catalog: Usually preceded by an application name, such as Piping. If you intend to use different resources, which is likely, then you must enter the new file name and location, as appropriate.

System Space Reservation Catalog: Enter the location of the System Space Reservation Catalog in the Location field.

Unique reference file name options: These options let you customize file names for parts. If you enter 1 in the Location field, then the application  uses the part name displayed in a CATIA window as the file name. If you enter the value 2, then the application will use the catalog file name, plus a unique identifier, as the file name.

Unique reference part number options & partially resolved reference part number options: These two entries define how a placed part will be named. 'Unique reference' parts are those that have at least one property (or all properties) that can have infinite values. An HVAC duct is an example. 'Partially resolved' parts are those in which the values of all properties are defined by a design table. Valves are an example. In this entry, if you enter 1 in the Location field then the name of the placed part will be derived from the design table. If you enter 2 then the name will be derived from the object naming rules.

User Dictionary: Usually preceded by an application name. In the location field enter the name of the CATfct file for each application. You do not need to enter the location. The CATfct file is used to store all the classes and attributes created by you. The default names for CATfct files in each application are included in the sample project.xml file and you should use these names unless you have created a different CATfct file, or changed the default name. There is also a MultiDisciplineUserDictionary - this CATfct file can be referred to by all applications.

Zones Catalog: The zones that you create need to be stored in a catalog accessible to all users, because they are shared. The default location is CATMldZone.catalog. Even though zones are only created in schematic applications, other applications may use them when documents are moved from schematic to 3D. Enter a different name or location if you change them.


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