The information in this section will help you create and edit Profile Finish Turning operations in your manufacturing program.
The Profile Finish Turning operation allows you to finish a part profile. You can specify:
The following topics are dealt with in the paragraphs below:
Tooling for Profile Finish TurningThe following tooling may be used:
Note that the following attributes may influence machining (they are located on the Insert-holder's Technology tab):
These attributes take tooling accessibility into account
and may reduce the machined area. Note that the Insert-Holder Constraints setting does not influence the Leading and Trailing Safety Angles defined in the operation editor. Geometry for Profile Finish TurningA Part profile is required. It can be specified as follows:
Start Limit: None / In / On / Out In / On / Out: allows you to specify the Go-Go type positioning of the tool with respect to the start element. Go-Go type positioning of tool in general positions the tool based on its radius and tool compensation number. This means positioning will vary for different tool insert geometries with respect to the limit and there is possibility of tool going beyond limit even with IN option. The On option is always used for a point type start element. If needed, the profile may be extrapolated to the start element. End Limit: None / In / On / Out In / On / Out: allows you to specify the Go-Go type positioning of the tool with respect to the end element. Go-Go type positioning of tool in general positions the tool based on its radius and tool compensation number. This means positioning will vary for different tool insert geometries with respect to the limit and there is possibility of tool going beyond limit even with IN option. The On option is always used for a point type end element. Note: To avoid collisions of tool with Limit geometry or unwanted machining beyond limits with IN option, either define limits with suitable offset value or include Limit geometry as part element (this is better wherever applicable) and avoid limit definition. Relimiting the area to machine by means of limit elements If you specify a point, it is projected onto the part profile.
If you specify a line, its intersection with the part profile
is calculated (if necessary, the line is extrapolated). If you specify a curve, its intersection with the part profile
is calculated (if necessary, the curve is extrapolated using
the tangent at the curve extremity). If needed, the profile may be extrapolated to the end element.
The figure above illustrates the use of start and end elements for Profile Finish Turning. Profile is machined from start element. Profile is extrapolated up to end element. Direct approach and radial-axial retract. Orientation and Location for Profile Finish Turning
Corner Processing for Profile Finish TurningThe following options allow you to define how corners of the profile are to be machined:
Corner processing options are also available to define how the entry and exit corners are to be machined. Entry and exit corners are defined by either a chamfer length, or a corner radius and corner angle. Part Offsets for Profile Finish Turning
Offsets can be positive or negative with any absolute value. The global offset applied to the part profile is the resulting value of the normal, axial and radial offsets. In addition to these global values, local offsets can be applied to segments, curves and arcs of the part profile. Machining Strategy Parameters for Profile Finish TurningPath Definition for Profile Finish Turning
Lead-in and Lift-off for Profile Finish Turning
The figure below shows an example of linear lead-in and circular lift-off (external machining is assumed).
In the example below, the round tool is tangent In start element plus clearance at start of profiling. Round tool is tangent Out end element plus clearance at end of profiling.
Local InvertInvert strategy
Machine inverted elements first: you machine inverted elements on the first path, and then the other elements. Invert Lead-in angle and Invert Lead-in distance for entry path before the inverted machined profile. Invert Lift-off type allows to select the type of exit path after the inverted machined profile:
Feeds and Speeds for Profile Finish Turningng
Once the unit is specified, you can give a Machining Speed value. The following feedrates can be set to either Angular units (length per revolution) or Linear units (length per minute)
In addition to these global feedrates, local feedrates can be applied to segments, curves and arcs of the part profile. Feedrates in units per minute are also available for air cutting such as macro motions and path transitions. Note that RAPID feedrate can be replaced by
Air Cutting feedrate in tool trajectories (except in macros)
by selecting the checkbox in the Feed and Speeds tab page
Tool Compensation for Profile Finish TurningYou can select a tool compensation number corresponding to the desired tool output point. Note that the usable compensation numbers are defined on the tool assembly linked to the machining operation. If you do not select a tool compensation number, the output point corresponding to type P9 will be used by default.
CUTCOM (Cutter Compensation): None / On / Reverse.
See Cutter Compensation with Finish Operations for more information. Approach and Retract Macros for Profile Finish TurningThe following Approach and Retract macros are proposed: Direct, Axial-radial, Radial-axial, and Build by user. The selected macro type (Approach or Retract) defines the tool motion before or after machining. Various feedrates are available for the approach and retract motions (RAPID, lead-in, lift-off, and so on). Local feedrates can be set to either Angular units (length per revolution) or Linear units (length per minute). See Define Macros on a Turning Operation for more information. |