Large Assemblies |
We recommend that you import large assemblies in
batch mode:
Quality of conversion |
Always check the
report and error files
after a conversion ! Some problems may have occurred without been visually
We recommend also that you use the Geometric Validation Properties when they exist. When an error occurs in the comparison, you can locate the problem as follows :
Note that the error at the lowest level gives the relevant information. It is the first error that appears in the report file:
How to Create a Topology |
STEP files usually describe solids. It means that they contain the topology of the model. During the conversion of a part:
=> The repairing methodology is the same as faces KO in IGES.
=>The repairing methodology is the same as in IGES: Best Practices - How to create a topology. |
Large Assemblies |
To export a large V5 Assembly in STEP, we recommend that you open it with the Work with the cache system option active (Tools/Options/Infrastructure/Product Structure/Cache Management/Work with the cache system): When this option is active, the referenced CATPart documents are loaded only during their transfer. | |
External references |
For the exchange of large assemblies, we recommend that you
use external references, using several small files instead of one large file
(this will reduce memory problems).
See the settings for more information. |