Running the Fastening Rules Analysis

This task shows you how to launch an analysis to check the rules' compliance as defined in the parameters.
Refer to the BiW Fastening Parameters chapter in the Automotive BiW Fastening documentation.
Open the Analysis1.CATProduct document.
  1. Click Check in the Analysis toolbar.

    The BiW Fasteners Analysis dialog box opens.
  2. Check the rules on which you want to run the analysis.

    • Uniqueness of identifiers: checks that all joint elements have different names.

    • Thickness count: checks that the number of thicknesses is compliant with the number set in the BiW parameters.
    • Forecast fasteners count: checks that the number of joint elements the joint body is supposed to contain for further verifications is compliant with the number set when creating the joint and the joint body.
    • Fastener location on surface: checks that joint elements are located on surfaces.
      This rule applies for spot points only.
    • Closest surface normal vector alignment: checks the deviation angle between the joint element's normal vector of the joint element's normal vector at the projection on the closest surface.
      For further information about a use case where a fastener does not have a normal vector, refer to the Ordering Thickness Crossing Criteria chapter.
    • Specified thicknesses crossing: checks that joint elements cross all the specified thicknesses of the joint body.
      This rule applies for spot points only.
      For further information about specific use cases, refer to the Ordering Thickness Crossing Criteria chapter.
    • Thicknesses normals alignment: checks that the thickness normal to the crossed joined components is aligned with the joint element's normal.
    • Maximum/Minimum thickness ratio: checks that the ratio between the minimum and the maximum thicknesses of the crossed zones is lower or equal to the maximum defined ratio, even if all joint elements do not intersect all the specified joined components.
      • In case the maximum ratio is set to 1, the rule checks that all crossed thicknesses are equal.
      • If one or more thicknesses are null, the ratio is infinite.
      • For curve beads, specified crossed thicknesses are computed at the start location.
    • Thickness gap: checks that the gap value between two joined components crossed by a given joint element is compliant with the value set in the BiW parameters.

    • Fastener center distance to flange edge: checks that all joint elements on crossed surfaces intersect all specified components and computes the minimum distance from the fastener's center location to the closest flange edge.
    • Fastener border distance to flange edge: checks that all joint elements on crossed surfaces intersect all specified components and computes the minimum distance from the fastener's border location to the closest flange edge.
    • Diameter overhang: checks the maximum overhang of the fastener's diameter to the closest flange edge.
      • The three above rules apply for spot points and spot projection welds only, not curve beads.
      • In case two or more surfaces with common edges are crossed, you need to perform a join so their free edges are considered as those of one single surface.
      • Internal edges and tangent surfaces are ignored, but holes are not.
      • For rivets, the diameter taken into account is the shank diameter.
    • Series Name and Count of Annotations: checks that the name of the series (Joint Name, Joint Body Name, etc.)  and the number of annotations is compliant with the value set in the BiW parameters.
    • Minimum spot spacing: checks that the minimum spot spacing between two spot points is compliant with the value set in the BiW parameters.
      This rule applies for spot points only.
  3. Click Analyze.

    Besides each rule, a sign gives a feedback whether the check passed or failed.
    All failing elements are selected and highlighted in the 3D geometry for a further check that will only take into account the current selection.
  4. Click the red sign corresponding to the rule that failed. The corresponding check failure analysis window opens, along with the list of selected failing elements. You can select several elements in the list to highlight them in the specification tree and 3D geometry.

    • The Closest surface normal vector alignment check failure report displays either "N/A" when no normal vector was found on the joint element (which is the case when you open a pre-V5R12 model) or the deviation angle between the normal vector of the joint element and the normal vector at the projection on the closest surface. You can then select the Joint Elements you want to "heal" and either with the "Apply remedial action" contextual menu or push button, reset the normal vector according to the normal vector at the projection on the closest surface.
    • The Fastener location on surface check failure report displays either "N/A" if the joint element cannot be projected on any surface or the distance to the closest surface. Same as before, applying the Remedial action on a joint element will project it on the closest surface.
    • The Fastener center distance to flange edge, Fastener border distance to flange edge, or Diameter overhang ratio check failure report displays either "N/A" when no free edge can be found on any crossed surface or the distance of the failed joint elements.
      It highlights the closest edges involving the failure in the 3D geometry, for instance when a fastener is equidistant between several edges (see picture below).
    • The Series Name and Count of Annotations check failure report displays the erroneous fastener and the attached annotation when, for instance, a joint element has been deleted in the joint body or the joint body has been renamed. Applying the Remedial action on a joint element modifies and automatically updates the annotation.
  • The BiW Fasteners Analysis command runs on the current selection. If the latter is empty, the whole product structure is taken into account.

  • When you exit the command, elements in error are still highlighted.

  • You can right-click the highlighted element to Reframe on and Center Graph.