This task will show you how to create a Local Mesh Size specification on a
Mesh Part and how to specify element type.
The Mesh Part objects set contains all user specifications
relative to the mesh. In particular, global size and sag specifications, as
well as global element order specifications.
Local Mesh Sizes are local specifications relative to the
size of the elements constituting the finite element mesh. |
Open the
sample00.CATAnalysis document from the samples directory for this task.
Click Local Mesh Size
in the Model Manager toolbar.
The Local Mesh Size dialog box appears.

In the case of an assembly, you have to select in the
specification tree the mesh part of which you want to modify the size
(Nodes and Elements set).
You can change the name of the Local Size by editing
the Name field. |
Enter an element size in the Value field.
You can use the ruler button on the right of the
field to enter a distance between two supports by selecting them in
The smallest element size which can be used to
generate a mesh is 0.1mm. In order to avoid geometrical
problems in the mesher, the smallest size of an element is set to 100
times the geometrical model tolerance. This tolerance is actually set
to 0.001mm and cannot be modified whatever the dimension
of the part. This is why the mesh global size must be bigger than
0.1mm. |
Select a geometry for applying a local size.
A symbol representing the local mesh size is visualized on
the support.
Click OK.
Local Mesh Size.1 appears in the specification tree
under the active mesh part.
You can apply in sequence several local mesh size
specifications to the system. A separate object will be created for
each specification in the specification tree. |
Element Type
You can specify the element type.
To do this:
Click Element Type
in the Model Manager toolbar.
The Element Type dialog box lets you modify the type
of the element.
Select the desired option.
Click OK.
To know more about the Element Type you have to choose in
the OCTREE Tetrahedron Mesh dialog box, refer to
Linear Tetrahedron and
Parabolic Tetrahedron in the Finite Element Reference Guide.