This task shows you how to create user-defined distant connection
properties. |
- Only available with the Generative Assembly Structural
Analysis (GAS) product but some advanced options are only available
with the Elfini Structural Analysis (EST) product.
- To have precisions and to know restrictions, refer to
About Connection
Creating user-defined distant connection properties allows
you to specify the types of elements as well as their associated properties
included inside a distant connection.
For example:
You define which types of element are featured in
the connection. Remember that you can possibly have the following types of
connected elements:
- Surface-Point part (left part). It describes the way the
surface is connected to the middle of the connection. The possible
combinations are:
- Smooth
- Rigid
- Spring-Smooth
- Spring-Rigid
- Contact-Rigid
- Middle part. It describes the elements featuring in the middle
of the connection. The possible combinations are:
- Rigid
- Spring-Rigid-Spring
- Rigid-Spring-Rigid
- Spring-Rigid
- Rigid-Spring
- Beam
- Spring-Beam-Spring
- Beam-Spring-Beam
- Spring-Beam
- Beam-Spring
- Bolt-Rigid
- Rigid-Bolt
- Bolt-Beam
- Beam-Bolt
- Bolt-Rigid-Spring
- Spring-Rigid-Bolt
- Point-Surface part. It describes the way the surface is
connected to the middle of the connection. The possible combinations are:
- Smooth
- Rigid
- Smooth-Spring
- Rigid-Spring
- Rigid-Contact
sample12.CATAnalysis from the samples directory.
Click User-defined Distant Connection Property
in the Connection Properties toolbar.
The User-defined Connection Property dialog box
Depending on the selected combination type, the
appropriate properties are proposed: lists in sub-windows
describing all the elementary properties.
For example:
If the list of elements is RIGID + SPRING and BEAM
Three sub-windows (elementary basic components)
will display the properties for each of the elements: Spring, Beam
and Contact.
Select an analysis connection as support.
In this particular example, select the General
Analysis Connection.1 in the specification tree under the
Analysis Connection Manager.1 set.
A symbol representing the user-defined connection
property is visualized on the corresponding faces.
Define the types of the elements to be featured in the
connection: Start, Middle and End.
Depending on the type of Start, Middle and
elements you choose in the User-defined Connection Property
dialog box, given definition boxes and options are available.
This is an example:
Set the parameters as shown below:
Start: if you click the Component
Edition button
the Start Connection dialog box appears:
Middle: if you click the Component
Edition button
the Middle Connection dialog box appears:
End: if you click the Component
Edition button
the End Connection dialog box appears:
If needed, click OK in the Start, Middle or
End Connection dialog box.
Click OK in the User-defined Connection
Property dialog box.
Note that two elements appear in the specification
- A Generic Connection Mesh.1 connection
mesh part under the Nodes and Elements set
- A User-defined Connection Property.1
connection property under the Properties.1 set.
- If the support of the connection is a Face to Point
connection (connecting wire-frames with solid or surface), only two of
the three lists will be proposed (left part and middle part).
- If the support of the connection is a Point to Point
connection (connecting two wire-frames), only the middle list will be
- No handler point is proposed in that type of connection.
To ensure that a Face to Face connection will respect a given point, it
will be necessary to split into a Face to Point and a Point to Face
connection sharing the same point. Like for virtual parts sharing the
same handler point, only one single node will be generated on the
associated point.