![](../icons_C2/common/ascenari.gif) |
Right-click the Harmonic Dynamic Response Solution.1 object
and select Generate 2D Display
The New Function Display dialog box appears.
![](images/db2display01NLS.gif) |
![](../icons_C2/common/awarning.gif) |
The content of this dialog box depends on the
excitation set you defined.
If you work on a dynamic response case (harmonic or transient)
defined with a Restraint Excitation set, the New
Function Display dialog box appears as shown below:
![](images/db2display03NLS.gif) |
- Results in relative axis: lets you visualize
displacements resulting only from the elastic strain. These
displacements are expressed in the global axis system.
![](../icons_C2/common/awarning.gif) |
Even if you selected a User axis
system in the restraint excitation
definition, the displacement graphs generated with the
Results in relative axis option will be expressed in
the global axis system. |
- Results in absolute axis: lets you visualize results
in an absolute axis system.
- Cancel: lets you cancel the 2D Display generation.
- Previous: this button is not available at this step.
- Next: lets you access the next step of the 2D
Display generation.
- Finish: lets you finish the 2D Display generation.
If you click this button at this step, you will create only one
Click Next in the New Function display dialog
The dialog box appears as shown below:
- 1 graph: lets you generate a 2D Display document
containing only one graph.
- 2 graphs: lets you generate a 2D Display
document containing two graphs.
- 3 graphs: lets you generate a 2D Display
document containing only three graphs.
- Cancel: lets you cancel the 2D Display generation.
- Previous: lets you access the previous step.
- Next: this button is not available at this step.
- Finish: lets you finish the 2D Display generation.
Select 3 graphs and click Finish in
the New Function Display dialog box.
A 2D Display document and the
Select Data dialog box appear simultaneously.
- Selection tab:
- Node: gives you the number of the selected node.
- Degrees of freedom: lets you choose the degrees of
freedom you want.
- Layout tab:
- Graph 1: lets you choose which type of results (Displacement,
Velocity or Acceleration) you want to
display in the first graph.
- Graph 2: lets you choose which type of results (Displacement,
Velocity or Acceleration) you want to
display in the second graph.
- Graph 3: lets you choose which type of results (Displacement,
Velocity or Acceleration) you want to
display in the third graph.
![](../icons_C2/common/tips.gif) |
It is possible to select the same result type
for two or three graphs. This will be useful to visualize
simultaneously the real part, the imaginary part and the
amplitude of a complex value. |
- Add>>: this button lets you add parameters of a
selected node.
- Delete<<: this button lets you remove parameters of
a selected node.
- Clear: this button lets you clear the contain of the
Selected curves field.
- Close: this button lets you close the Select Data
dialog box.
A Results in relative axis - 3 graphs
object appears in the specification tree in the CATAnalysis document:
![](images/stdisplaysolution01NLS.gif) |
![](../icons_C2/common/tips.gif) |
For an easier navigation between the two documents,
select the Tile Horizontally or Tile Vertically
submenu of the Window menu. |
Select a node on the mesh visualization in the
.CATAnalysis document.
Select the degree of freedom (TX and/or
TY and/or TZ).
In this particular example, deactivate the TY
and TZ options. |
Click the Add>> button.
The Select Data dialog box is automatically updated.
The three curves are automatically displayed in the
2D Display document.
In this particular example, the first graph gives you
the displacement results, the second one gives you the velocity
results and the third one gives you the acceleration results. |
Select the Layout tab in the Select Data
dialog box and select Displacement as output type for
Graph 2.
The legend of the second graph is updated. |
Click Close in the Select Data dialog box.
Change the format of the Y axis in the first
graph and second graph.
To do this:
Double-click the Y axis of the first
graph to edit it.
Select Real in the Format tab
of the Y Axis dialog box.
Click OK.
Double-click the Y axis of the second
graph to edit it.
Select Real in the Format tab
of the Y Axis dialog box.
Click OK.
The 2D Display document is updated:
![](images/resultdisplaysolut02NLS.gif) |
You can close the 2D Display window.