This task shows you how to replay a recorded
You must have already recorded an animation.
See Recording a Simulation.
Select the Replay object in the specification tree.
Tools->Simulation-> Replay
The Replay dialog box is displayed.
Open the camera window (Window->Camera Window)
and tile the two windows to see the animation better.
Click the Play Forward button to run a
continuous replay of the recorded viewpoints
click the Step Forward button to run a step-by-step of the
recorded viewpoints.
Adjust the sampling step.
Leaving the value at x1 replays the film in the number of steps defined
when compiling the simulation. Increasing the value speeds up the
animation, for example, setting the sampling step to x2 will replay the
film at every second step.
You can choose one of the loop modes to re-run
the animation in a continuous way (either in one direction only or in one
direction then the other).
For more information on Replay capabilities, see the Fitting
Simulator User's Guide.