Visualizing CATIA V4 Layer Filters

This task enables you to visualize layer filters that have been defined for CATIA V4 models.
Insert the document LayersV4.model from the samples folder:


CATIA V4 layer filters can now be accessed in visualization mode. (You must have first generated a cgr file using the CATDMUUtility with the option -apps lnf. See Running the CATDMUUtility Batch Process.)

  1. Select the V4 model in the specification tree.

  2. In the menu bar, select the Tools -> CATIA V4 Layer Filters... command.

The Layer Filter dialog box appears.

  1. In the Available Filters column , select one of the filters and click Apply.

    Only those layers that are defined for the selected filter will be displayed in the visualization space. The displayed layers are listed in the Visible Layers column.

  1. Click OK to confirm.

Note: The Create, Modify and Delete buttons at the upper-right of the Layer Filter panel are grayed out. It is not possible to execute any of these actions from the DMU Navigator.