About Enhanced Scenes


Enhanced Scenes will extend the limited capabilities of Old Scenes. It will now be possible to create and edit applicative data.


Enhanced Scenes

An enhanced scene can be seen as an alternative view of an assembly in a defined state. It enables you to study a variant of your mock-up by defining specific component positions and specific attributes.

You can overload the following attributes:

  • Component Positioning (using compass manipulation, snap or explode commands)
  • Component Graphical attributes (color, transparency, line type, line thickness)
  • Node Activation state
  • Component Hide / show state
  • Viewpoint

One of the major benefits of Enhanced Scenes is that the applicative data container will be available and functionalities associated with the applicative data will also be available in Enhanced Scene context.

It will be possible to generate Enhanced Scenes from Old Scenes.

Overloading of attributes (graphical, show / no show state, etc.) is limited to Products, i.e. these modifications are not replicated between scene and assembly for Products, however, for parts, models and manikins these modifications will be replicated (modifications on parts, models and manikins are always replicated in both directions). Likewise, modifications in Enhanced Scene context to Product attributes that are not in the above list (of attributes that can be overloaded) will be replicated on the assembly.

Overload Modes in Enhanced Scenes

When you work in Enhanced Scenes, there are two Overload Modes, Full and Partial.
Overload Mode Full
  • When you create a Enhanced Scene in Overload Mode Full, all attributes are immediately considered overloaded.
  • All subsequent modifications to the Assembly will have no impact on the Enhanced Scene and vice-versa.
  • If you choose to apply the Enhanced Scene context on the Assembly or to apply the Assembly context on the Enhanced Scene, after the operation, all attributes will still be considered overloaded and subsequent modifications to either the Enhanced Scene or the Assembly will continue to be independent, one from the other.
Overload Mode Partial
  • When you create a Enhanced Scene in Overload Mode Partial, by default, none of the attributes are considered overloaded.
  • Modifications to the Assembly will impact those attributes of the Enhanced Scene that are not overloaded (so, for example, if you make some modifications to the Assembly immediately following the Enhanced Scene creation, all of these modifications will impact the Enhanced Scene).
  • Modifications to the Enhanced Scene never impact the Assembly, the result of such modifications to the Enhanced Scene is to overload the modified attributes.
  • Attributes in the Enhanced Scene are overloaded implicitly when you modify the attribute in Enhanced Scene context.

Graphical attributes, activation state, hide / show state, and viewpoint, once modified in the Enhanced Scene, will be considered overloaded. The overloaded values do not impact the Assembly. These overloaded attributes will subsequently be independent from the Assembly, i.e. modifications to the corresponding attributes in the Assembly will not impact the values of the attributes in the Enhanced Scene.

Position attributes are implicitly overloaded when modified in the Enhanced Scene, however, you can also overload them explicitly by selecting the components for which you wish to overload the position and then clicking the Overload Position icon in the Enhanced Scenes toolbar (see Overloading Product Attributes in Enhanced Scene Context).

  • If you choose to apply the Enhanced Scene context on the Assembly or to apply the Assembly context on the Enhanced Scene, after the operation, those attributes that were considered overloaded will continue to be considered so (even though they may momentarily have the same value as the corresponding attribute in the Assembly).

Subsequent modifications of these overloaded attributes in either the Enhanced Scene or the Assembly will continue to be independent, one from the other.

Subsequent modifications to the Assembly of those attributes that are not considered overloaded will continue to impact the Enhanced Scene.


Applicative Data Available in Enhanced Scene Context

ainfo.gif (980 bytes) The following applicative data are available in the Enhanced Scene context:
  • Annotated Views
  • 3D Annotation
  • Hyperlinks
  • Group
  • Cumulative snap
  • Reset position
  • Init position
  • Current selection
  • Applicative data reordering
  • Apply material
  • Publish
  • Camera
  • Cache content
  • Modify sag
  • DMU Move
  • Measure
  • Section
  • Clash
  • Rendering lights
  • Rendering Environments
ainfo.gif (980 bytes) Note: The automatic update of Enhanced Scene associated applicative data is managed by a variable in the DMU Navigator Settings. See Customizing DMU Navigator Settings.

The Assembly is the Reference for Enhanced Scene Creation

ainfo.gif (980 bytes) Enhanced Scene creation always uses the Assembly as the reference. In Overload Mode Partial, any modifications to attributes in the Assembly will affect every Enhanced Scene that does not overload those attributes.
ainfo.gif (980 bytes) Therefore, the command Apply Scene on Assembly will affect all of the Enhanced Scenes with Overload Mode Partial that have not overloaded the attributes corresponding to those that will be updated in the Assembly.

Propagation of Overloaded Attributes in Enhanced Scene Context

The propagation of attributes in Enhanced Scene context will work exactly as in Assembly context. Note, however, that the propagation of the value of a Product's overloaded attribute to its children will not cause the child Product's attribute to be considered overloaded.

Save Command in Enhanced Scene Context

ainfo.gif (980 bytes) The Save command will be enabled in Enhanced Scene context, but you should be warned that it is the Assembly that will be saved (it will be the equivalent of doing Exit Scene + Save in Assembly context + Double-clicking the Enhanced Scene in the specification tree to re-enter the Enhanced Scene).


ainfo.gif (980 bytes)
  • In Enhanced Scene context, only products can be UI-Activated.
  • Enhanced Scene context is NOT intended for assembly edit (add part, delete part, geometry modification), its intent is strictly review-oriented.