Enrolling Nodelock Licenses After the Installation

This task explains how to enroll nodelock licenses outside the installation procedure.

On Windows

1. Log onto the computer.
2. Select the Start->Programs->CATIA ->Tools->Nodelock Key Management VersionNumber command, or run the program:


where "install_root" is the name of your installation folder which is, by default:

WindowsInstallPath\intel_a\code\bin (Windows XP Pro)
WindowsInstallPath\win_b64\code\bin (64-bit code on Windows XP Professional x64 Edition)
WindowsInstallPathx86\intel_a\code\bin (32-bit code on Windows XP Professional x64 Edition)

The "Nodelock License Manager" dialog box appears:

  A check is performed automatically to verify whether your license is still valid, and display the number of days before your license expires.

Note that:

  • a green light opposite the license serial number means that the license will still be valid for at least 30 days
  • an orange light opposite the license serial number means that the license will still be valid for less than 30 days
  • a red light opposite the license serial number means that the license has expired.

If the license is still valid, the number of days left before the license expires is indicated.

Note that the target id of the computer on which you are performing the installation is displayed inside the dialog box.
  Pointing to the target id on Windows displays a tooltip containing the name of the network adapter used by the licensing software to generate the target id:

  On UNIX and Windows, in both interactive and batch modes, the nodelock key management tool now displays the three-letter code for nodelock custom configuration licenses. If this license contains add-on products, their three-letter code will be also displayed. Identifying the configuration from which the custom configuration license has been generated is now easier, because the three-letter code provides additional information, along with the serial number.
  If the configuration cannot be identified, the trigram displayed will be "???" like this:

  This can happen for example if you have a license for a configuration which has not been installed, or has been uninstalled.
The File menu contains the following commands:
  • Import
  • Add
  • Read
  • Extract
  • Restitute
  • Clear
  • Exit
3. To import your electronic license certificate (if you have one), select the File->Import command.

To be able to import the certificate using this command, you do not need administrator privileges, however you need write access to the folder in the LUM environment containing the nodelock file.

This displays a file selection box which opens with the C:\Temp folder contents displayed:

Explore your filetree and select the license certificate file which uses the prefix ".lic", then click the Open button to import the certificate.

If you import a license on a machine without a previous LUM environment, the following directory is created:


which is typically:

C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Application Data\IBM\LUM

If the following file:


already exists on your machine and you import a nodelock license, this nodelock file will be updated.

Note: if a nodelock file exists in both locations, the file:


will be used. To avoid problems, we recommend that you use ONLY ONE nodelock file in the following directory:

C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Application Data\IBM\LUM

This procedure can be used both after installing for the first time and after installing additional products.
4. To add a license manually, select the File->Add command.

To be able to add a license using this command, you do not need administrator privileges, however you need write access to the folder containing the nodelock file.

This is useful when you do not have a license certificate file to import, and your license is sent to you on paper.

The "Add License Manually" dialog box appears:

Type the following information (contained in your license on paper) in the appropriate fields:

  • Version
  • Password
  • Serial Number
    There may or may not be a serial number, depending on the case:
    • a serial number exists for all configurations: all configurations are custom configurations
    • if you already have a custom configuration, you can extend it by adding products: in this case, a new license is provided, and the new license contains the same serial number as the original configuration
    • a serial number does not exist for standalone (shareable) products.
  • Annotation
  • Comment.

Then, click the Add button to add the license.

The "Nodelock" file is created or updated just as if you had imported a license certificate.

5. To read a license, select the File->Read command.

This displays the license in the "Nodelock Key File Content" box:


Offline Licensing

The File->Extract and File->Restitute commands are used for extracting offline licenses from and returning offline licenses to a LUM 4.6.7 server for the purpose of running Version 5 on a laptop disconnected from the network. For more information, refer to Enabling Concurrent Offline Licensing. To be able to extract and restitute offline licenses, you do not need administrator privileges, however you need write access to the folder containing the nodelock file and to the nodelock file itself.

Note that the LUM driver is not installed on Windows XP Professional x64 Edition. This means that concurrent offline licensing will not be available on this 64-bit operating system, irrespective of whether the Version 5 code is 64-bit or 32-bit. As a consequence, the File->Extract and File->Restitute commands are not available in CATNodelockMgt on Windows XP Professional x64 Edition.

The File->Clear command allows you to clear obsolete nodelock licenses from the nodelock file. Each time you import a nodelock license, it is added to the nodelock file. After a period of time, the nodelock file may contain a large number of licenses, some of which are obsolete. We recommend that you clear obsolete licenses from the nodelock file using this command, not by editing the nodelock file manually. To be able to clear the nodelock file using this command, you do not need administrator privileges, however you need write access to the folder containing the nodelock file and to the nodelock file itself.


1. Log on as root.
2. Go the directory:


where "OS" is:

  •  aix_a
  •  hpux_b
  •  solaris_a

and enter the following command to display the "Nodelock License Manager" dialog box:

./catstart -run CATNodeLockMgt

The user interface on UNIX is the same as the user interface on Windows described above.

This creates a nodelock file on your computer, and stores your license by default in the nodelock file in:

/var/ifor/nodelock (AIX)
/opt/lum/ls/conf/nodelock (HP-UX, Solaris)

If you already installed LUM elsewhere, the nodelock file will be updated in the correct LUM environment.

Batch Mode

On all platforms, you can also run the command in batch.

On Windows

install_root\code\bin\CATNodelockMgtB (Windows)

where "install_root" is the name of your installation folder which is, by default:

WindowsInstallPath\intel_a\code\bin (Windows XP Pro)
WindowsInstallPath\win_b64\code\bin (64-bit code on Windows XP Professional x64 Edition)
WindowsInstallPathx86\intel_a\code\bin (32-bit code on Windows XP Professional x64 Edition)


UNIXInstallPath/OS/code/command/catstart -run CATNodelockMgtB (UNIX)

where "OS" is:

  •  aix_a
  •  hpux_b
  •  solaris_a

and with the following options:

  • -i: name of nodelock file to be imported
  • -c yes|no: automatic license validity check mode (default yes)
  • -C yes|no: clears obsolete nodelock licenses from the nodelock file
  • -id: returns the target id of your computer
  • -na: returns the network adapter used to generate the target ID on Windows
  • -v yes|no: verbose mode (default yes)
  • -h: help.