CAA RADE Troubleshooting
If you have problems that you can't figure out, here is a list of things to try:
- Make sure that you have updated the runtime view
This copies all the "resources" files to the runtime view (anything under a CNEXT directory inside a Framework). If you are having trouble getting things to work properly you should just do this. - Re-compile your code using the Build->mkmk... dialog instead of F7. When you make changes to the or the IdentityCard.h files F7 doesn't always look at those changes while the mkmk... option does.
- Check the file to make sure it contains everything that you need. If you get link errors such as "fatal error LNK1120: 177 unresolved externals" preceded by an error or a list of errors identified with "error LNK2019: unresolved external symbol..." or "error LNK2001: unresolved external symbol...", it is probably an error from the not having enough information in it.
- Check the IndentityCard.h file to make sure it contains everything that you need. If you get errors such as "fatal error C1083: Cannot open include file: 'SomeFile.h'" It is most likely because you have included the file "SomeFile.h" without pointing the compiler to where that file resides by entering the folder name in the IndentityCard.h file.
- Sometimes one of your dll libraries or one of the
objects becomes corrupted or mis-linked. Normally, in Visual
Studio, we would perform a Build->Clean Solution to delete
all the objects which then requires the compiler to rebuild
them. To do this in CAA RADE you must use the command line
(there is not integrated button for this mkmk command).
- Open the command window
- Type the command "mkRemoveDo -a" and hit Enter
- Recompile the code with the mkmk... option.
- Open the command window
Warnings in Visual Studio
There is an issue with Visual Studio 2005 which causes it to
throw a number of warnings (which do not prevent the program
from being compiled correctly if there are no other errors).
These warnings are erroneous and should not be registered as
warnings by the compiler. They can be quite a nuisance since it
becomes difficult to figure out where your errors are if there
are a bunch of warnings listed there too. These warnings can be
disabled by adding
to the file of each module directly after the the
line which reads
OS = Windows_NT
for a list of detailed errors, please see List of Errors