Defining the Guide in Parallel Contour Mode

The Parallel contour mode proposes a contextual menu to define the Guide:

The contents of the contextual menu and of the sensitive icon change depending on which item have been selected previously.
By default, you are in Guide contour mode, i.e. in a standard geometry selection mode.

Open file FreeFormShape1.CATPart, then select Machining > Surface Machining in the Start menu.

Select Faces

  1. Click Contour-driven .
    The Contour-driven dialog box is displayed.
    The dialog box opens at the geometry tab page .
    Click the red area in the sensitive icon and
    select the whole part.

  2. Go to the Strategy tab. Click Parallel contour

  3. Right-click Guide 1 in the sensitive icon and choose Select faces...

    The sensitive icon turns to:

  4. Click Boundary Faces in the sensitive icon and select faces as shown below.
    Click Preview Guide in the Boundary Face contextual menu to visualize the contour.


  • The faces you select must be topologically clean.
  • In the case of an open face, the guide is computed from the external boundary.

Here are two other examples of computed guide (shown in red):


  1. In the Radial tab, select the Reference:

    either Contact point:

    or Tool end:

  2. Click Tool Path Replay.
    The tool path is displayed.
    Click OK to validate and exit the dialog box.

As Guiding Points

  1. Click Contour-driven .
    The Contour-driven dialog box is displayed.
    The dialog box opens at the geometry tab page .
    Click the red area in the sensitive icon and
    select the whole part.

  2. Go to the Strategy tab. Click Parallel contour

  3. Right-click Guide 1 in the sensitive icon and choose As guiding points

    The sensitive icon turns to:

  4. Click Start and select a point in the 3D Viewer.
    Click End and select a point in the 3D Viewer.
    (after each selection, double-click anywhere to revert to the dialog box.)

  5. Click Tool Path Replay.
    The tool path is displayed.
    Click OK to validate and exit the dialog box.

As Guiding Axis

  1. Click Contour-driven .
    The Contour-driven dialog box is displayed.
    The dialog box opens at the geometry tab page .
    Click the red area in the sensitive icon and
    select the whole part.

  2. Go to the Strategy tab. Click Parallel contour

  3. Right-click Guide 1 in the sensitive icon and choose As guiding axis

    The sensitive icon turns to:

  4. Click Start and select a point in the 3D Viewer.
    Double-click anywhere to revert to the dialog box.

  5. Click Axis and define an axis in the dialog box that is displayed:

    Click OK to revert to the main dialog box.
    The direction is displayed through a red arrow while the dialog box is open,
    through a black one after you have closed the dialog box.

  6. If necessary increase the Maximum width to machine.

  7. Click Tool Path Replay.
    The tool path is displayed.
    Click OK to validate and exit the dialog box.