Check Machine Accessibility at Tool Axis Definition

task target This task shows how to check machine accessibility when defining the tool axis of a machining operation. This can be done on a generic machine with 1 or 2 rotary axis on the head.
scenario 1. Open the AccessibilityChecking.CATPart document, then select NC Manufacturing > Surface Machining from the Start menu.
2. To assign a machine the Part Operation:
  • Double-click the Part Operation in the tree.
  • Click Machine in the Part Operation dialog box.
  • In the Machine Editor dialog box, click then select the XYZCA.CATProduct machine in the ..\startup\Manufacturing\Samples\NCMachineToollib\DEVICES folder.
  • Click OK in the Machine Editor dialog box.
  3. In the Part Operation dialog box, click Machining Axis . Select the axis system on the part as the machining axis system.
4. Click OK in the Part Operation dialog box: the machine is added to the Resource List. The machine and the part are displayed together in the 3D window.

5. Select the Workpiece Automatic Mount in the Machine Management toolbar. The part snaps onto the machine table as follows.

Note that you can use the contextual menu in the 3D window to hide parts of the machine (for example, to display the machine head only).

6. Select the Manufacturing Program in the tree, then click Sweeping .

In the Sweeping dialog box that appears, select the Strategy tab . Click on the tool axis symbol in the sensitive icon.

The Tool Axis dialog box appears.

7. Select the Manual mode and select the Machine rotary axis check box.

Select the Display tool and Display machine check boxes.

Click the User-defined position [...] button and select a position on the face to be machined. This is the position that the machine will try to reach.

The machine is positioned according to the current tool axis definition.

8. Enter values for the rotary axes 4 and 5 to vary the machine head position.
  9. Continue to enter values for the rotary axes 4 and 5 to find the best position for machining. Note that the I, J, K components of the tool axis are updated in accordance with the entered angle values.

You can check visually that the position is collision free.

note   If the position and/or the orientation is out of machine limits or unreachable by the machine, the OK button on the dialog box is disabled. As soon as the position and/or orientation is within machine limits and reachable, the OK button becomes available.
10. Click OK in the dialog box to return to the Sweeping operation editor to continue definition of the machining operation.

The machine head returns to its original position.

end of task