Generating a Track Using Edges  

This task describes how to create a track generated along one or more edges.

You can use one or more edges.  The edges do not have to be continuous, although if the edges are discontinuous, the track that results will have a large jump within it.  Once Generate Track has created the track, the Manipulation, Player, and Recorder toolbars appear, which enable users to modify the track.

  1. Click Generate Track .

    The Edge Track dialog box appears.
  2. On the geometry, select the edge or edges that you want to use to define the track.

    The edges appear in the Selected Edges box.  The order the edges are selected is the order they are used to generate the track. Before you create the track, you can remove an edge from the list by selecting it in the Selected Edges box, and clicking the Remove button.

    As you select an edge, it becomes highlighted on the geometry.

  3. Enter a distance for each shot and click OK.

    Generate track creates a shot at the beginning of each edge and at the end, in addition to the intervals in between.  For instance. if the edge is 3.75 mm, and the Distance is set to .5 mm, then the distance between the last two shots is .25 mm, although others are spaced .5 mm apart.
    If the Edit Track check box is selected (the default), clicking OK generates the track and also brings up the Edit Track dialog box, and the Recorder, Manipulation, and Player toolbars.  Also, a track is generated before the Edit Track dialog box appears, so if you click Cancel on the Edit Track dialog box, the track is nonetheless created.
  4. Edit the track as desired, and click OK in the Edit Track dialog box.

Once you have created a track using Generate Track , you can associate items with it or modify it as you do other tracks.

Objects on which You Can Select Edges

  For Generate Track to work properly, it must contain selectable edges. Certain edges, such as those from CGR data, may not be selectable. To enable CGR data to have selectable edges, save it with lineic elements, using the Tools > Options > Infrastructure > Product Structure > Cgr Management tab.  The tables that follow describe the objects whose edges are selectable.

V5 Data

  Load as CATPart Saved as CGR
V5 Data Cache Off Cache On Cache Off Cache On
Solid yes yes yes yes
Shell yes yes yes yes
Wire - Line yes yes yes yes
Wire - Curve yes yes yes yes

V4 Data

    V4 data copied (using Paste Special) into V5 Part V4 data copied  into V5 Part then saved as CGR  
  Load as .model Pasted as Spec or Result Pasted as Spec or Result V4 Batch Convert to CGR
V4 Data Cache Off Cache On Cache Off Cache On Cache Off Cache On Cache Off Cache On
Solid no yes yes yes yes yes yes yes
Wire - Line no yes yes yes yes yes yes yes
Wire - Curve no yes yes yes yes yes yes yes