Use the View > Zoom In command and drag (left
mouse button) to zoom in progressively until you can clearly see the
surfaces of the nut and bolt.
Select Nut 1 either in the geometry area or in the
specification tree.
Click Shuttle
from the DMU Simulation toolbar.
Make sure you work with the privileged plane VW.
Right-click the compass and select Make VW the Privileged
Plane. |
Click Define Snap Axis
from the Manipulation toolbar.
A red axis system appears on the shuttle. The current shuttle
axis position is recorded. |
Click OK to end the shuttle creation.
Now you might need to customize the snapping settings. |
Tools > Options > DMU Fitting > DMU Manipulation to customize
snapping settings.
Set values for the:
- Position: 6mm (keep the default value)
- Orientation: 200mm (20mm is the default value)
Click OK to take your modifications into
In the specification tree, drag and drop the
on shuttle.1.
Move the shuttle as shown below:
In the Edit Simulation dialog box, select the
Automatic insert check box.
Start recording your simulation moving the shuttle
towards the disk.
The nut is snapped as shown below. |