In addition to manipulating
the plane directly in the geometry area, you can position the section
plane more precisely using the Edit Position and Dimensions command. You
can move the plane to a new location as well as rotate the plane. You can
also re-dimension the section plane.
In the case of section slices and boxes, it is the master
plane that controls how the slice or box will be positioned. |
This task illustrates how to position and re-dimension the
section plane using the Edit Position and Dimensions command. |
Insert the following cgr files: ATOMIZER.cgr, BODY1.cgr,
They are to be found in the online documentation filetree
in the common functionalities sample folder cfysm/samples. |
Select Insert > Sectioning from the menu bar,
or click Sectioning
in the DMU Space Analysis toolbar and
create a section plane.
A Section viewer
showing the generated section is automatically tiled vertically
alongside the document window. The generated section is automatically
updated to reflect any changes made to the section plane.
The Sectioning Definition dialog box is also
displayed. |
Click the Positioning tab in the Sectioning Definition
dialog box.
Click the Edit Position and Dimensions
to enter parameters defining the position of the plane.
The Edit Position and Dimensions dialog
box appears.
Enter values in Origin X, Y or Z boxes to position the
center of the plane with respect to the absolute system coordinates
By default, the center of the plane coincides with the center of the
bounding sphere around the products in the current selection.
Using the Tools > Options... command
(DMU Sectioning tab under Digital Mockup > DMU
Space Analysis), you can customize settings for both the
normal vector and the origin of the plane
Units are current units set using Tools >
Enter the translation step directly in the Translation
spin box or use spin box arrows to scroll to a new value, then click -Tu,
+Tu, -Tv, +Tv, -Tw, +Tw, to move the plane along the selected axis by the
defined step.
Note: Units are current units
set using Tools > Options (Units tab under General >
Parameters and Measure). |
Change the translation step to 25mm and click +Tw for
example. The plane is translated 25 mm in the positive direction along
the local W-axis.
You can
rotate the section plane. Rotations are made with respect to the
local plane axis system
You can move
the section plane to a new location. Translations are made with
respect to the local plane axis system. |
Enter the rotation step directly in the Rotation spin box
or use spin box arrows to scroll to a new value, then click -Ru, +Ru,
-Rv, +Rv, -Rw, +Rw, to rotate the plane around the selected axis by the
defined step.
With a rotation step of 45 degrees, click +Rv for example to
rotate the plane by the specified amount in the positive direction
around the local V-axis. |
You can
edit plane
dimensions. The plane height corresponds to its dimension along the
local U-axis and the width to its dimension along the local V-axis.
You can also edit slice or box thickness. |
Enter new width, height and/or thickness values in the
Dimensions box to re-dimension the plane. The plane is re-sized
Click Close in the Edit Position and
Dimensions dialog box when satisfied.
Click OK in the Sectioning Definition
dialog box when done.

Click Undo and Redo in the
Edit Position and Dimensions dialog box to cancel the last action
or recover the last action undone respectively.
Click Reset Position
in the Positioning tab of the Sectioning Definition
dialog box to restore the section plane to its original position.
You can also view and edit plane dimensions in the
Properties dialog box (Edit > Properties or via the contextual
This command is not available when using the sectioning command.