3D PLM PPR Hub Open Gateway

File XPDM (PX1)

Rename Scenario

Process example for a Rename scenario
Technical Article


This article explains the principles, and gives a step by step scenario of Rename operation for a CATIA V5 and an external PDM System integration [1].

Rename Scenario

Rename is a scenario whereby a document already stored in PDM system is renamed. The consistent set of document this document belongs to must be updated accordingly in order to keep links integrity.

This operation is implemented by:

This scenario, developed in the Rename Scenario Detailed Steps section, can be also presented by this Diagram:

Fig.1: The Rename Scenario Diagram


Rename Scenario Detailed Steps

This section details step by step the Rename scenario. But, no API will be given, you should refer to the elementary PX1 use cases, or the CATxPDMInterfaces framework API documentation, to have implementation details.

The Integration can implement the Rename scenario as an interactive CATIA command running within the CATIA session context. It proposes a Document Selection dialog box displaying the list of CATIA V5 documents stored in the external PDM. The end users chooses a document to process.

A CATIA session is open.

  1. The user starts the Rename command
  2. Integration displays the dialog box enabling the seach for a document in PDM system, and the user
    1. Locates the document in the displayed list
    2. Keys a new name for the selected document
    3. Clicks OK button to confirm the selection
  3. Integration starts the Rename operation by performing preliminary checks
    1. The selected document is not already checked-out in the PDM system
    2. The document is not locked in the PDM system
    3. The new document name does not already exist in the PDM system
  4. Integration computes the list of documents to be checked out from
    1. The consistent set of documents the selected document belongs to 
    2. The list of parents documents linked to the selected document
    3. For each document to be checked-out  (4.1 + 4.2)
      1. if one already exists in the user Work area
        • If the document is already loaded in session, Rename operation must be cancelled
        • Otherwise, the user Work area must be cleared
      2. If one is locked or checked-out by another user, Rename operation must be cancelled
  5. Integration reserves the new document name in the PDM system
  6. Integration performs the Check-Out [2] operation for all documents identified in step 4. The documents are transferred in the user Work area
  7. Integration renames the document in the user Work area in the context of the consistent set
  8. Integration opens the renamed document in CATIA V5 session
  9. Integration updates the properties of the renamed document
  10. Integration saves the modified document in the user Work area
  11. Integration removes the renamed document from the session
  12. Integration performs the Check-In [3] operation for the new document, and all documents identified in step 4.
  13. Integration deletes the old document in the PDM system
  14. Integration stops the Rename command


In Short



[1] CATIA V5 and an External PDM System Integration Principles
[2] Check-Out Scenario
[3] Check-In Scenario


Version: 1 [Feb 2005] Document created

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