Source Code Manager


Creating a tree

Quick Reference


The adl_mk_tree command creates a new tree in a given site.


adl_mk_tree ws_tree_name -db |-database database -cs |-contents_server contents_server | (-cs_host contents_server_host -cs_port contents_server_port)  [-h | -help | -?]


A tree is unique on a given site. To know the name of the trees already created, run the [1] adl_ls_tree command.

Once the tree is created, you first have to create a root workspace (run the [2] adl_mk_root_ws command) then you can create workspaces and begin to work.

To create a workspace tree, you need to give the name of the database in which all the data related to the workspaces created in this tree will be stored, and the name of the contents server.

For more information on the naming rules, see the [3] naming rules document.  



adl_mk_tree accepts the following options:  

-h|-help|-? Help of the command
tree_name Name of the new tree
-db database_name Name of the database
-database database_name Name of the database
-cs contents_server_name Name of the contents server
-contents_server contents_server_name Name of the contents server
-cs_host contents_server_host Name of the host of the contents server
-cs_port contents_server_port Name of the port of the contents server



Creation of the "MyTree" tree in the database "DatabaseName" in the contents server "ContentServerName":  

adl_mk_tree MyTree -database DatabaseName -contents_server ContentServerName
adl_mk_tree MyTree -db DatabaseName -cs ContentServerName


Creation of  "MyTree" tree in the database "DatabaseName" in the contents server "ContentServerName", with the host "HostName" and the Port "PortNumber":  

adl_mk_tree MyTree -db DatabaseName -cs_host HostName -cs_port PortNumber



adl_ls_tree: Listing trees of a given site
adl_mk_root_ws: creating a root workspace
naming rules document



Version: 1 [Mar 2001] Document created


Copyright © 2001, Dassault Systèmes. All rights reserved.