Source Code Manager


Creating a new file contents server

Quick Reference


The adl_mk_contents_server command creates a new file contents server. 


adl_mk_contents_server -cs | -contents_server contents_server_name | (-cs_host hostname -cs_port port_number) [-desc description]  [-h | -help | -?]


If no host name is given,  the current host will be taken in account. If no port number is given, the default port number will be taken in account.

You can give a text associated with the new contents server. This will be a description of the new file contents server.

To see all the existing file contents server's names, run the [1] adl_ls_contents_server command.

For more information on the File Contents Server, see the [2] File Server documentation.



adl_mk_contents_server accepts the following options:

-h|-help|-? Help of the command
-cs contents_server_name Name of the contents server to create
-contents_server contents_server_name Name of the contents server to create
-cs_host hostname Name of the host
-cs_port port_number Number of the port number
-desc descritption Description of the contents server



Creation of the "MyNewContentsServer" file contents server:

adl_mk_contents_server -cs MyNewContentsServer 


adl_mk_contents_server -contents_server MyNewContentsServer


Creation of a new file contents server, giving the host name and the port number:  

adl_mk_contents_server -cs_host HostName -cs_port PortNumber



adl_ls_contents_server: Listing all existing contents server
File Server documentation



Version: 1 [May 2001] Document created


Copyright © 2001, Dassault Systèmes. All rights reserved.