Source Code Manager


Promoting modifications in intersite workspace

Quick Reference


The adl_mirror_is command is an intersite command that is used to transfer all the modifications between the current workspace and a workspace of another SCM site. 


adl_mirror_is -to_remote_ws | -from_remote_ws [-transfer transfer_name] [-tree ws_tree_name] [-h | -help | -?]


The adl_mirror_is command is used after having declared [1] an intersite transfer between a local workspace and another workspace of another remote site (without mirror workspace). It is used to transfer all the content of the current workspace to the remote workspace or to transfer all  the content of the remote workspace to the current workspace. A workspace containing merges to solve can be transferred with adl_mirror_is. For more details on the inter-site shared components, see the [2] inter-site transfer article.

If the local workspace is defined as a multi tree workspace, the adl_mirror_is command is automatically launched in all the trees where the workspace is defined. See the [3] adl_link_is_transfer command.



adl_mirror_is accepts the following options:

-h|-help|-? Help of the command
-to_remote_ws Transfer the content of the current workspace to the remote workspace.
-from_remote_ws Transfer the content of the remote workspace to the current workspace.
-transfer transfer_name Name of an existing transfer of the current workspace.
-tree ws_tree_name To restrict the command to a subset of the workspace trees for which the given transfer has been defined



Transfer the content of the current workspace MyWsDev where a transfer named "Transfer1" has been set up to the remote workspace.

adl_ch_ws MyWsDev
adl_mirror_is -to_remote_ws -transfer Transfer1


Transfer the content of the remote workspace to the current workspace MyWsDev where one transfer has been set up, in the tree ToolsTree.

adl_ch_ws MyWsDev
adl_mirror_is -from_remote_ws -tree ToolsTree



[1] adl_mk_is_transfer: Creating an intersite transfer
[2] Inter site transfer: Sharing components between SCM sites
[3] adl_link_is_transfer: Linking worskpace in several trees



Version: 1 [Jan 2004] Document created


Copyright © 2004, Dassault Systèmes. All rights reserved.