Source Code Manager


Listing existing change sets

Quick Reference


The adl_ls_cs command lists all the change sets associated to local changes in current workspace, workspace defined by the -ws option, or workspace revision de
fined by the -ws_rev option.


adl_ls_cs  [-ws workspace_name]  [-ws_rev ws_rev] [-program [-sep|-separator char]] [-out file_path] [-h|-help|-?]



This command lists all the change sets associated to local changes in current workspace, workspace defined by the -ws option, or workspace revision de
fined by the -ws_rev option.



adl_ls_cs accepts the following options:

-h|-help|-? Help of the command
-ws workspace_name Name of the workspace to examine. Default is current.
-ws_rev ws_rev Name of the workspace revision to examine.
-program Display for programs: see the documentation.
-sep | -separator Separator between each field for programs (space " " by default)
-out file_path Path to a file for writing the results.



Display all the change sets associated to the local changes of the current workspace:  



Display all the change sets associated to the local changes of the workspace "another_ws":

adl_ls_cs -ws another_ws


Example of result:  

As the command can be quite long in some cases, the different steps of the command are displayed before the result table.

adl_ls_cs -ws w11nle
=== Starting searching change sets in workspace W1T3FEB

Running command: adl_ds_promo W1T3FEB
No promotion request to its parent workspace for the workspace "W1T3FEB".

Running command: adl_promote -simul W1T3FEB
--- Simulation start ---
The workspace "W1T3FEB" is already promoted to its parent workspace.

--- Simulation end ---

Running command: adl_search_cs -ws W1T3FEB -opened -not_del

=== Ending searching change sets in workspace W1T3FEB

Name                   State      Change request              Description
feb_W1T3FEB_0          Opened     INT MC TC1                  CS sur le site S4 et le ws W1T3FEB

Command successful.



[1] adl_ch_cs:  Changing change set
[2] adl_ds_cs:  Displaying change set status



Version: 1 [Nov 2004] Document created


Copyright © 2004, Dassault Systèmes. All rights reserved.