Source Code Manager


Importing workspace's changes into current workspace

Quick Reference


The adl_import_ws command allows all the objects' changes of a workspace to the current workspace.


adl_import_ws  -from Origin_Ws [-from_image ImageName] [-nb_days NbDays | -at Date] {-all_fw | -fw Framework... | -fw_file FrameworkListFilePath} [-simul] [-h]


This command imports into the current workspace all the modifications realized or seen in the specified origin workspace. Those modifications are taken either:

A filter on a list of frameworks is available if you wish not to import all the frameworks, or if all the frameworks attached in the origin workspace are not attached in the current workspace.

The command works in three steps:

1) Realizes following verifications:

2) Executes the import framework by framework

3) Executes the refresh of the current workspace's image, and indicates if there are merges to be solved.

Most usual cases:

Import of modifications realized in a workspace you don't want (or you can't) promote and you want to pick them up in another workspace. The workspace can belong either to the same tree or to two different trees.

One of the options: -all_fw, -fw, -fw_file must be defined and is mandatory.




adl_import_ws accepts the following options:

-h Help of the command
-from Origin_Ws Name of the origin workspace
-from_image ImageName Name of the image to use in the origin workspace.
-nb_days NbDays To consider the origin workspace as it was "NbDays" before today.
-at Date To consider the origin workspace as it was at this date.
The date format is YYYY/MM/DD-hh:mm:ss, time is optional
-all_fw All attached frameworks in origin workspace will be imported into the current one
-fw Framework ... Only the specified frameworks will be imported
-fw_file FrameworkListFilePath Path of file containing the framework list to import. One framework per line
-simul To simulate the import.



Import all the changes of the "AnotherWs" workspace into the "MyWs" current workspace:

adl_ch_ws MyWs
adl_import_ws -from AnotherWs -all_fw


Import all the changes of the "TheRightImage" image of the "AnotherWs" workspace into the "MyWs" current workspace:

adl_ch_ws MyWs
adl_import_ws -from AnotherWs -from_image TheRightImage -all_fw


Import changes of some of the frameworks of the "AnotherWs" workspace into the "MyWs" current workspace:  

adl_ch_ws MyWs
adl_import_ws -from AnotherWs -fw MyFirstFw MySecondFw
adl_ch_ws MyWs
adl_import_ws -from AnotherWs -fw_file MyFwList
The "MyFwList" file contains: 


Simulate the import of all the changes of the "AnotherWs" workspace into the "MyWs" current workspace. Two frameworks are not attached:  

adl_ch_ws MyWs
adl_import_ws -from AnotherWs -all_fw -simul
Checking parameters and rules compliance
#ERR# : The following frameworks exist in workspace AnotherWs but don't exist in the workspace MyWs
These frameworks must be attached in the current workspace: MyWs




adl_ds_ws: Displaying workspace state
adl_import: Importing object changes



Version: 1 [June 2001] Document created


Copyright © 2001, Dassault Systèmes. All rights reserved.