Source Code Manager


Checking-in official acquisitions

Quick Reference


The adl_ci command checks in the official acquisitions of the current image of the current workspace. With this command you can record intermediate states of files in a workspace, in the database, without making a photo or promoting the workspace to the parent workspace.


adl_ci file... [-all] [-wr] [-allow_private] [-tree ws_tree_name...] [-h | -help | -?]


The “–all” option indicates that all the checked-out files of the current image ([1] adl_co command) must be saved in the database. If a file has not been modified, the command runs a uncheck-out on this file, instead of a check-in.
The difference between the adl_ci and adl_photo commands is that adl_photo freezes the last revision of the workspace, meaning that each new change will lead to the creation of a new version of the workspace.

If a file has been acquired (checked-out) but not modified (compared to the contents of the database) an [2] adl_unco command is automatically performed.

It is also possible to replace the files acquired in private. Using the “-allow_private” option those files are seen as checked-our files.
No private acquisition in the current image except if you give the “–allow_private” option.

Note: the command rejects all the editable files if the last line does not end with a "end of line" character. This is done to avoid compilation errors on HPUX system.  



adl_ci accepts the following options:

-h|-help|-? Help of the command
file... List of files to be saved in the database.
-all All the checked out files in the current image are checked in.
-wr Keep the checked-out files.
-tree ws_tree_name Publish only these workspace trees.
-allow_private The command allows that files are privately checked-out.



To check in the flie foo.cpp

adl_ch_ws MyWsDev 
adl_ci fw/mod.m/src/foo.cpp


To check in the content of Image1 of the workspace "MyWsDev":

adl_ch_ws MyWsDev –image Image1 

adl_ci -all


To check in a file "MyFile" in the workspace "MyWsDev", in the framework "MyFramework":  

adl_ch_ws MyWsDev
adl_ci MyFramework/src/MyFile


To check in the content of all the files in the tee "ToolsTree" of the workspace "MyWsDev":  

adl_ci -all -tree ToolsTree 


To check in all the files and allow private check-out in the workspace "MyWsDev":  

adl_ch_ws MyWsDev
adl_ci -all-tree ToolsTree 



adl_co: Checking-out an object
adl_unco: Unchecking an object



Version: 2 [Oct 2001] The command can be applied to one file
Version: 1 [Mar 2001] Document created


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