

Object Type Exposure in LCANavigator/3dcom

Describing how to create and modify object types.
Technical Article


In this document words in italic represent specific values or names which must be supplied for the customization process. (Except in comments from Properties files)

Thin Client User Interface

The LCA Navigator/3dcom environment is made up of two servers:

The LCA server provides a rich data model to the LCA server applications. This data model can be extended by using the RADE Data Model Customizer tools. Detailed instructions on how to do this can be found in the CAA RADE documentation. The LCA Navigator/3dcom web application provides a filtered view of the data model provided by the LCA server. If a new data type is defined on the LCA server using the RADE tooling, then additional work must be performed to expose this new data in the LCA Navigator/3dcom user interface. The LCA Navigator/3dcom web application uses “web types”, which are merely nicknames or synonyms for data types on the LCA server. So for each data type on the LCA server which needs to be exposed on the web server, the following tasks need to be performed:

Defining a web type to map to a LCA server type

This section describes how to define a LCA Navigator/3dcom web type that maps to a LCA server data type.

Runtime view subdirectories: ./resources/pprregistry/types/ENOVIA

Files: ENOVWebBO*.properties

Customization strategy:

The web types are defined in ENOVWebBO*.properties files. A web type is a unique nickname or synonym for a LCA server type. For clarity, the web type should be the same as the server type. If the server type name is not unique, then a unique web type name must be created. The format of the entries in the properties file is very simple.

where WebType is the unique web type string you are defining, the Modeler is the server domain in which the server type is defined, and ServerType is the name of the server type within the domain. The WebType and ServerType can often be the same value. There is one special case. When customizing a business object (which is comprised of two or more modeler data types), the custom business object must redefine within the same customer modeler each of the data types comprising that business object. When defining a web type for this custom business object, the server type should be the original business object type, not the customized server type. Example: The base Document web type maps to the DOCDIR.VPMDocFile business object. If a customized document business object CUSTOMDoc is defined in the CUSTOM modeler as the CUSTOM.CUSTOMDoc, then the custom document web type CUSTOMDoc needs to be defined as CUSTOMDoc =CUSTOM.VPMDocFile using the original business object type VPMDocFile rather than the custom server data type CUSTOMDoc. file:

# Define the mappings from the web type to the server modeler names and
# server type names.
#    Syntax:
#      <web type name/>=<modeler name/>.<server type name/>

# NOTE: For the special case of business object customization,
#       the server type must be the original business object type.
One (or more) new properties file should be created to hold the custom web type definitions. There is no need to override any of the shipped properties files by copying them to the customization directories. The naming convention for these properties files is, where Xxxxx makes this file uniquely named. The Xxxxx could refer to the custom modeler on the server, or any other naming convention that is desired. The only requirement is that it is unique from any of the other custom properties files or base shipped properties files.

Defining the web type characteristics

This section describes how to define the characteristics (inheritance, relationships, etc) for a LCA Navigator/3dcom web type.

Runtime view subdirectories: ./resources/pprregistry/types/ENOVIA


Customization strategy:

The detailed information about a web type is defined in the file, where WebType is the unique web type name. This properties files has many specialized sections that controls various functions in the web application. These sections of the properties file will be detailed in the appropriate sections of this customization document. The important information to put into the file is the Parent property. If the web type refers to a server type that has a supertype Yyyy, then the web type should have a Parent property that specifies the web type that maps to the server type Yyyy. The parent web type can be discovered by searching through the custom and shipped ENOVWebBO*.properties files. Example: The base A new custom Action type CUSTOM.CUSTOMAction has been added to the LCA server and has APLAFL.AFLBaseAction as its supertype. Searching through the shipped ENOVWebBO*.properties files, it is determined that the Action web type refers to the APLAFL.AFLBaseAction server type. The following steps should be performed to correctly expose the new CUSTOM.CUSTOMAction server type:

In addition to the base file, there is also a need to have a file that defines the labels for the web type and its relationships. Although the subject of object relationships is not covered in this book, the file should still be defined. The contents are very simple.
# This file defines the labels for the CUSTOMAction web type
Name=Priority Action

# Define the labels for any object relationships
#   Syntax is Relationship.Name=Label
For languages other than US English, then properties files with the appropriate language extensions should be created. For example, the French properties file should be named

Exposing the web type for search and quick search

This section will describe how to expose a new LCA Navigator Web Type on the user interface.

Runtime view subdirectories:


Files: GroupFileName.WebType.XMLSearchType GroupFileName.XMLSearchInfoGroup


Files: Xxxxx.CATNls

Customization strategy:

The LCA Navigator user interfaces uses the search group definition xml files to define the Environment and Type listings that are displayed in the user interface. This allows web types that represent server types from separate modelers to be presented in a single Environment on the user interface (such as the Change Management or Content Management environments that combine types from different modelers). However, this layer also prevents newly defined web types from being visible on the user interface. There are two strategies for adding new webs to the user interface:

The contents of a XMLSearchType file are as follows:
<?xml version="1.0"?>
  <DataType Name="WebType" Adapter="ENOVIA" Group="GroupName"
  <QuickSearch attr="AttrID"/>
The DataType xml element attribute definitions are: Example: The CUSTOMAction web type represents a new custom action object. This new action subtype will be added to the Change Management environment (defined in LCAJChgMgmt.XMLSearchInfoGroup, group name is “ChgMgmt”). The CUSTOMAction data type inherits a V_name field from the parent AFLBaseAction type. There is also a custom V_keyword field that the user may do a quick search on. The LCAJChgMgmt.CUSTOMAction.XMLSearchType file is defined as:
<?xml version="1.0"?>
  <DataType Name="CUSTOMAction" Adapter="ENOVIA" Group="ChgMgmt"
  <QuickSearch attr="V_name"/>
  <QuickSearch attr="V_keyword"/>
The CUSTOMLabels.CATNls file provides translated labels for the search entities
CUSTOMAction = Priority Action;
When creating a new Environment group to contain the custom types, the steps are very similar. An outer SearchGroup xml element is used, with the same DataType xml elements to define the individual types.
<?xml version="1.0"?>
  <SearchGroup Name="GroupName" Adapter="ENOVIA" MsgCatalog="Xxxxx">
  <DataType Name="WebType1" QuickSearch="true">
  <QuickSearch />
  <DataType Name="WebType2" QuickSearch="false"/>
  <DataType Name="WebType3" QuickSearch="false"/>
The SearchGroup xml element attribute definitions are: The DataType xml element is the same element that is used in the XMLSearchType files. Several attributes are defaulted from the SearchGroup parent element, such as the Group name and the MsgCatalog. If there is already a CATNls file that contain a label for the data type, then the DataType element can have a MsgCatalog value to reference this CATNls file.

What is customization

This section contains several specific customizations that may be need to tailor the user interface to meet your customization requirements.

Adding a new subtype to the parent’s create panel

This section describes how to add a new subtype to the parent type’s list of creatable types.

Runtime view subdirectories: ./docs/javacommon


Customization strategy:

The LCA Navigator user interface allows a create panel to list the various object subtypes that can be created. For instance, the Action create panel lists all of thee various Action subtypes and allows the user to select which one to create. When adding a new subtype to an object already exposed on the LCA Navigator user interface, this subtype can be added to the list on the parent type’s create. An alternative is to not add the new subtype to the parent create panel, but instead require the user to directly perform a create operation on the new subtype instead of the parent type. This avoids copying the parent type’s properties files from the original installation directories. Here are the steps to add a new subtype to the parent type’s create panel:

Hiding a relationship tab in the Properties page

The Properties page for an object shows the object attributes as well as the related objects. Depending on the business process developed for use with LCA Navigator, there may be object relationship exposed on the Properties page that are never used by the end users. In this case, the relationship can be hidden so that it will no longer appear on the Properties page.

Runtime view subdirectories: ./docs/javacommon


Customization strategy:

The ENOVWebObject*.properties files define the object relationships for a web type. By default, the relationships are exposed on the Properties pages. However, an additional property can be added to the properties file in order to hide the relationship so that it does not appear. First, the web type for the displayed object must be determined. Then the internal relationship name must be determined that goes with the relationship tab that is to be hidden. The ENOVWebLabels* file can be examined to see the relationship labels in order to find the internal relationship name. Once you know the web type and the internal relationship name, then perform the following steps: File

Defines Web Type to Type mapping: Files are located in ./resources/pprregistry/types/ENOVIA directory Format is: WebTypeName=ModelerName.ServerTypeName For custom BO types, the MODELER must be the custom modeler, but theTYPE must be the original BO type definition, not the custom type defined in the custom modeler. Example: customDoc type would be: CustomDoc=CUSTOM.ENOVIA_VPMDocFile

Changing the order in which the Properties tabs are presented

Rel.display example: Rel.display=AffectedObjects,Attachments,AllLinks,AssociatedObjects,History (Names are internal names)

Adding a web type to an object’s list of allowed attach types

AttachTypes and AttachRelTypes example: Rel.n.AttachTypes= Part, DocRevision, Document, TOCFolder, Clash Rel.n.AttachRelTypes= InputAffectedObject, OutputAffectedObject (Names are internal names)

Programming updates to allow multi-select on attach

AttachCardinality example: Rel.0.AttachCadinality=[MULTI]

RELNav Relationships

If a new type is added to LCANav or if new relationships are created for a given type, RELNav customization files must be updated for the new types to be displayed properly.

RELNav uses domain files located in: ./resources/definitions/relgroups/

What is customization

overview text

Registering Command on Type

Registering new command commandName

Command Implementation

The command implementation consists of a new class in a new package. Package and class name must be: FwkName.ModuleName.command.commandname.ClassName commandname must be the xml file name (See above ) defining this command Either in: LCAJAppBase/cnext//resources/pprregistry/command/definition/commandname.xml. (Redefinition of an existing command for a subtype). Or in: FwrkName/cnext//resources/pprregistry/command/definition/commandname.xml, (New command for the new type). FwkName.ModuleName is defined in the package file There are two basic types of command: Commands which execute a server command. Commands which load a new screen(s) from which, a server command may be executed. For the first type the command definition suffices, but for the second one: -The command XMLDlg must be provided as well as the corresponding controller. -The corresponding CATNls file must also be created.

In Short

This article has explained how to modify, create and expose object types.



Version: 1 [Jul 2005] Document created

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