3D PLM Enterprise Architecture

User Interface - CATJDialog

Creating Administration Commands

How to create centralized administration commands
Technical Article


This article explains how to create centralized administration commands in JDialog.

What is the Administration Tool

The Administration Tool is a common command that centralizes all administration commands (i.e. commands that configure the application settings).

As you can see, the Administration Tool, is displayed in two parts:

From a development point of view, the Administration Tool takes charge of the OK/Cancel lifecycle, and the administration commands code should never worry about this.

For any application, it is possible to create one or more administration commands, and define the category path where it will be accessed. This articles explains how.

It is also possible to associate an administration command to a JDialog command (ex: "People & Organization administration" may be associated to a "Project Management" command). This is explained at the end of this article.


How to create an administration command?

An administration command is a standard JDialog command, except that it's root component has to be an Option Panel (CATOptionPanel).

Assuming all administration datas are stored in the settings (CATSetting), the administration tool manages a centralized setting repository object that is accessible through the option panel object. The command controller can retrieve it with CATOptionPanel.getSetting( );

This setting repository object is initialized and available for the application right after the option panel fires an Initialize notification (onInitialize).

Here are main methods of CATOptionPanel class:

public class CATOptionPanel extends CATDialog
	 * Returns the 'Initialize' notification (fired after the OptionPanel has been initialized with the setting object)
	public CATNotification getInitializeNotification();
	 * Returns the setting object (managed by Administration Tool)
	public CATSetting getSetting()

Basic rules for programming an administration command:

Sample: MyAdminCommand.XMLDlg file:

<?xml version="1.0"?>
<OptionPanel Name="option" Attribute="_Option" onInitialize="onInitialize" Controller="com.dassault_systemes.myadmin.MyAdminCommand">
  <Frame Name="f" DefaultButton="Change">
    <TextField Name="Field" Attribute="_TextField"/>
    <Button Name="Change" onButtonActivated="onUserChangedValue"/>

As you can see:

Here is a controller sample: MyAdminCommand.java

package com.dassault_systemes.myadmin;
import com.dassault_systemes.catjdialog.CATOptionPanel;
import com.dassault_systemes.catjsystem.CATSetting;
public class MyAdminCommand
	public CATOptionPanel _Option;
	public CATTextField _Textfield;
	 * onInitialize callback: initialize the user interface from the settings
	public void onIntialize(CATDialog iDialog, CATNotification iNotification, Object iData)
	        // --- retrieve settings
	        CATSetting setting = _Option.getSetting();
	        // --- initialize the User Interface from the settings
	        _Textfield.setText(setting.getString("MyAdmin", "MyStringValue", "" ) );
	    catch( Exception e )
	 * When the user modifies a value, store it in the settings.
	 * Note: right after the first stored value, the OK button is enabled, and when the user presses it, 
	 * all modified values are flushed into to database.
	public void onUserChangedValue(CATDialog iDialog, CATNotification iNotification, Object iData)
	    // --- retrieve settings
	    CATSetting setting = _Option.getSetting();
	    // --- store the new value in the settings
	    setting.setString("MyAdmin", "MyStringValue", _Textfield.getText());

Note: the setting object is always retrieved with _Option.getSetting(). This way, the controller is fully stateless.


How to add an administration command to the Administration Tool?

Once the administration command is written, you still have to register it to the Administration Tool (and declare it's category path). This is done through 'XMLCmdIndex' files, that must be created in [myFrameWork]/CNext/resources/command/[index file name].XMLCmdIndex

Sample: MyAppCmdIndex.XMLCmdIndex file:

<?xml version="1.0"?>
  <!-- declaration of the administration command for administrator -->
  <Option Name="MyAppAdminCommand" CategoryPath="/Admin/MyAppAdmin"/> Authorized="Admin" Icon="MyAppAdmin.gif" HelpURI="/online/ptlad_O2/myadmin.htm"
  <!-- declaration of an option panel that can be customized by every user -->
  <Option Name="MyAppPreferences" CategoryPath="/MyApplicationRoot/MyPrefs"/> Icon="MyAppPrefs.gif" HelpURI="/online/ptlad_O2/myprefs.htm"

Attributes of Option tag are:

Localized values of the category path are stored in a CATNls file associated to the XMLCmdIndex file.

Sample: MyAppCmdIndex.CATNls file:

// --- Catalog file for MyAppCmdIndex.XMLCmdIndex
// --- contains NLS names for Category tree

Category.Admin= "Administration";
Category.MyAppAdmin= "Buzz 2000 Administration";
Category.MyApplicationRoot= "Buzz 2000";
Category.MyPrefs= "User Preferences";


Short guide to create  administration commands:

  1. The XMLDlg file:
  1. In your controller:
  1. The XMLCmdIndex:


How to associate an administration command to a JDialog command?

Associating an administration command to a JDialog command adds an icon to the portlet titlebar that allows direct access to the administration tool on the right administration command.

This association is done in 'XMLCmdIndex' files.


<?xml version="1.0"?>
  <!-- declares the administration command "MyAdmin" -->
  <Option Name="MyAdmin" [...]/>
  <!-- declares the JDialog command "MyCommand" and associates it with the administration command "MyAdmin" -->
  <Command Name="MyCommand" ... Option="MyAdmin"/>



Version: 1 [Nov 2003] Document created

Copyright © 2000, Dassault Systèmes. All rights reserved.