3D PLM Enterprise Architecture

User Interface - Dialogs


Groups object properties consistently in a single place
Quick Reference


The Tab Page
ListTabContainer.jpg (9112 bytes) The tab page is one of the pages available in a tab container and gathers controls to dislay and possibly modify object or application properties. Is is also known as a property page. It is displayed form its tab index. The Color tab page displayed beside contains several controls: three radio buttons on top, a label and a spinner below, and a check button at the bottom.

Use tab pages in a tab container to gather object or application properties that have something in common.

Name Description
default The tab page layout is managed using tabulations
CATDlgGridLayout The tab page layout is managed using a grid


Programmer's Guide

Each tab page is an instance of the CATDlgTabPage class. Its parent must be the tab container instance in which it is dedicated.


Constructing a Tab Page

You should construct a tab page as follows.

CATDlgTabContainer * pParent = ...;
pTabPage  = new CATDlgTabPage (pParent, iName);
Grid layout
pTabPage  = new CATDlgTabPage (pParent, iName, CATDlgGridLayout);


Managing the Layout Using a Grid

This is the recommended way of arranging controls and possibly other containers inside a tab page. This is explained in Arranging Dialog Objects Using Grid Layout. Layout using a grid is available only if the CATDlgGridLayout style is used in the tab page constructor.



Version: 1 [Jan 2000] Document created

Copyright © 2000, Dassault Systèmes. All rights reserved.