3D PLM Enterprise Architecture

User Interface - Dialogs


Groups object properties consistently in a single place
Quick Reference


The Tab Container
ListTabContainer.jpg (9112 bytes) The tab container is a dialog box used to show, and possibly to modify the properties of an object, or of an application. Its is also known as a property sheet. It contains tab pages, also known as property pages. It enables the end user to work with many properties gathered in a single place, rather than to display several dialog boxes accessed each from a different menu. Each property page contains various controls to set values or options for the property. When the end user clicks on a tab,  the corresponding property page comes to the foreground and hides the others.

Use tab containers whenever you propose properties of objects or applications that must be presented consistently, even if they can be accessed from different commands or menus.

Notification Method Sent when
CATDlgTabSelectNotification GetTabSelectNotification Whenever a tab is selected.


Programmer's Guide

Each tab container is an instance of the CATDlgTabContainer class. It contains tab pages which are instances of the CATDlgTabPage class.


Constructing a Tab Container

You should construct a tab container as follows.

pTabContainer  = new CATDlgTabContainer (iParent, iName);


Managing the Tab Pages

You can manage the tab pages with the following methods:


Setting a Callback on an Editor

Set a callback on an editor to be informed whenever the end user modify the text as follows:

  pTabContainer,                              // tab container 
  pTabContainer->GetTabSelectNotification(),  // notification
  (CATCommand)&Container::MethodToExecute,    // method to execute 
  CATCommandClientData iUsefulData);          // useful data for this method 



Version: 1 [Jan 2000] Document created

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