3D PLM Enterprise Architecture

User Interface - Dialogs


The window to display messages
Quick Reference


The Message Window
CATDlgNotifyInfomation.jpg (5728 bytes) The message window are used to prompt an information, a warning or an error message to the end-user, provide help, or ask for a confirmation to go on with the process.

Use the message window when you want to give an information feedback to the end user.

Name Example Description
CATDlgNfyInformation CATDlgNotifyInfomation.jpg (5728 bytes) An information message window
CATDlgNfyWarning CATDlgNotifyWarning.jpg (5544 bytes) A warning message window
CATDlgNfyError CATDlgNotifyError.jpg (5358 bytes) An error message window
CATDlgNfyAction CATDlgNotifyAction.jpg (5421 bytes) An action, or confirmation, message window
default The message window features the OK push button
CATDlgNfyAbortRetryIgnore The message window features the Abort, Retry, and Ignore push buttons
CATDlgNfyOK The message window features the OK push button
CATDlgNfyOKCancel The message window features the OK and Cancel push buttons
CATDlgNfyRetryCancel The message window features the Retry and Cancel push buttons
CATDlgNfyYesNo The message window features the Yes and No push buttons
CATDlgNfyYesNoCancel The message window features the Yes, No, and Cancel push buttons
CATDlgWndModal The message window is modal, that is, no interaction is possible outside this window as long as it is displayed


Notification Method Sent when
CATDlgNfyAbortNotification GetNfyAbortNotification Whenever the end user presses the Abort push button
CATDlgNfyRetryNotification GetNfyRetryNotification Whenever the end user presses the Retrypush button
CATDlgNfyIgnoreNotification GetNfyIgnoreNotification Whenever the end user presses the Ignore push button
CATDlgNfyOKNotification GetNfyOKNotification Whenever the end user presses the OK push button
CATDlgNfyCancelNotification GetNfyCancelNotification Whenever the end user presses the Cancel push button
CATDlgNfyYesNotification GetNfyYesNotification Whenever the end user presses the Yes push button
CATDlgNfyNoNotification GetNfyNoNotification Whenever the end user presses the No push button


Programmer's Guide

The message displayed by the message window is set using the SetText method. This message can contain parameter you retrieve at run time to give run time parameter values.


Constructing a Message Window

For example, for a help message window:

_pMessageWindow = new CATDlgNotify(iApplication, iName, CATDlgNfyHelp)


Managing the Message Displayed

You can set or get message displayed as follows:


Setting a Title to a Message Window

The message window title should be set by the resource file using a key built with the identifier you declare as the second parameter of the message window constructor.



Version: 1 [Jan 2000] Document created

Copyright © 2000, Dassault Systèmes. All rights reserved.