3D PLM Enterprise Architecture

User Interface - Dialogs


Holds dialog object layout parameters
Quick Reference

The grid constraints is dedicated to the grid layout. Each dialog object can be positioned thanks to a grid made of cells located at the intersections of rows and columns The grid constraints instance assigned to a given dialog object determines the cell in which the top left corner of the dialog object lies, the number of rows and columns on which the dialog object is spread, and the way the dialog object is attached to the cell sides, this determining its behavior when it, or its container, is resized.

Programmer's Guide

The grid constraints object can just be constructed. You should then assign it to the appropriate dialog object using the SetGridConstraints method of CATDialog.


Constructing a Grid Constraints Object

You can construct a grid constraints objetc in three ways:

Default grid constraints
CATDlgGridConstraints * pGridCsts = new CATDlgGridConstraints();
// pGridCsts.Row    = 0;
// pGridCsts.Column = 0;
// pGridCsts.H_Span = 0;
// pGridCsts.V_Span = 0;
// pGridCsts.Justification = CATGRID_LEFT|CATGRID_TOP;
Copied grid constraints
CATDlgGridConstraints ExistingGridCsts; 
CATDlgGridConstraints * pCopiedGridCsts = new CATDlgGridConstraints(ExistingGridCsts);
Fully parameterized grid constraints
short int TopRow     = 2;  // row where the top left corner lies
short int LeftColumn = 1;  // column where the top left corner lies
short int RowSpan    = 1;  // horizontal extent
short int ColumnSpan = 2;  // vertical extent
unsigned int Justification = CATGRID_4SIDES;
CATDlgGridConstraints * pParmGridCsts;
pParmGridCsts = new CATDlgGridConstraints(TopRow,  LeftColumn,
                                          RowSpan, ColumnSpan,

Row and column numbers begin with 0.



Version: 1 [Jan 2000] Document created

Copyright © 2000, Dassault Systèmes. All rights reserved.