3D PLM Enterprise Architecture

User Interface - Dialogs


Creates a small box containing many controls
Quick Reference


The Separator
ListContainer.jpg (5648 bytes) The container defines a scrollable area which can contain a single object, this object could be a frame itself containing as many objects as you want. If the container contents does not fit in the displayable area, horizontal and/or vertical scroll bars are automatically created to allow scrolling through this contents. The figure beside shows a container that contains the frame Measurement as unique child. This frame contains radio buttons, frames, and other controls that can be seen using the scroll bars

Use containers whenever you want to gather many objects in a small window area with scrollbars.

Programmer's Guide

The container can have only one child object. This is usually a CATDlgFrame instance. You can set the container initial dimensions.

Constructing a Contai,ner

You just need to choose the separator style.

pContainer = new CATDlgContainer(iParent, "ContainerId");


Assigning the Container's Initial Size

You assign the conatiner's initial size using the SetRectDimensions method:

In both cases, the first two arguments must not ne null and are used.



Version: 1 [Jan 2000] Document created

Copyright © 2000, Dassault Systèmes. All rights reserved.