3D PLM Enterprise Architecture

User Interface - Commands

Creating Contextual Menus in a State Dialog Command

Customizing object's contextual menus in a state dialog command
Use Case


This article shows how to create, in a state dialog command, a contextual menu displayed when right clicking on objects that implement a given interface.

What You Will Learn With This Use Case

This use case is intended to show how to create a contextual menu that displays on objects that implement a given interface.


The Logical Command Case

The Logical command is a use case of the CAADialogEngine.edu framework that illustrates the DialogEngine framework capabilities.


What Does the Logical Command Do

The Logical command is a state dialog command that creates a contextual menu, that is, a menu displayed when the end user right clicks on objects. This menu is displayed only if the object implements a given interface, namely CAAISysLine. A right click on such objects displays a contextual menu with three items, concatenated to the items provided by the window, since the document is displayed in a CATFrmGraphAnd3DWindow instance.

Window's items 



Items added by the Logical command


Clicking on one of these items displays the start, medium, or end point of the line. These points are temporary points ( CAAISysPoint objects) displayed by the ISO.


How to Launch the Logical Command

See the section entitled "How to Launch the CAAGeometry Use Case" in the "The CAAGeometry Sample" use case for a detailed description of how this use case should be launched.

Then, in the window where you run the mkrun command, do not type the module name on the command line, but type CNEXT instead. When the application is ready, do the following:


Where to Find the Use Case Code

The Logical command is made of a single class named CAADegAnalysisLogCmd located in the CAADegGeoCommands.m module of the CAADialogEngine.edu framework:

Windows InstallRootDirectory\CAADialogEngine.edu\CAADegGeoCommands.m\
Unix InstallRootDirectory/CAADialogEngine.edu/CAADegGeoCommands.m/

where InstallRootDirectory is the directory where the CAA CD-ROM is installed.



To create the CAADegAnalysisLogCmd BuildGraph method, there are seven steps:

# Step Where
1 Create the state dialog command header file Header file
2 Enable the command to be instantiated by a command header Source file
3 Implement the command state chart diagram BuildGraph method
4 Create the Action Method action method
5 Create the callback methods action method
6 Manage the command lifecycle callback method and destructor
7 Release the indication agent Destructor or Cancel method


Creating the State Dialog Command Header File

Below is the header file of the CAADegAnalysisLogCmd class that holds the code for this command.

#include "CATStateCommand.h"  // Needed to derive from CATStateCommand

class CATPathElementAgent; 
class CATISO;
class CAAISysPoint;
class CATMathPoint;

class CAADegAnalysisLogCmd : public CATStateCommand

  public :
    virtual           ~CAADegAnalysisLogCmd(); 

    // Manages the focus
    CATStatusChangeRC Activate   ( CATCommand * iCmd,CATNotification * iNotif);
    CATStatusChangeRC Cancel     ( CATCommand * iCmd,CATNotification * iNotif);
    CATStatusChangeRC Desactivate( CATCommand * iCmd,CATNotification * iNotif);

    virtual void BuildGraph();  // Implements the statechart

    CATBoolean CreateCntxMenu(void * iUsefulData);

    void StartPoint (CATCommand           * iCmd , 
		     CATNotification      * iNotif, 
	             CATCommandClientData   iData) ;
    void MediumPoint(CATCommand           * iCmd , 
		     CATNotification      * iNotif, 
	             CATCommandClientData   iData) ;
    void EndPoint   (CATCommand           * iCmd , 
		     CATNotification      * iNotif, 
	             CATCommandClientData   iData) ;
  private :

    void ShowPoint(CATMathPoint &iPoint);
    CATPathElementAgent  * _daPathElement ;    
    CATISO               * _ISO ;
    CAAISysPoint         * _TemporaryPoint ;
    CATBaseUnknown       * _Container;      

This class includes the following:

The data members are pointers to the path element agent used by the BuildGraph method, the Interactive Set of Objects used to display the start, medium, or end point as a temporary point that doesn't belong to the document, and the document container that implements the point factory interface used to create this point.


Enabling the Command to Be Instantiated by a Command Header

The CAADegAnalysisLogCmd.cpp begins by:

#include "CATCreateExternalObject.h"

This macro creates a C function that creates an instance of this class. This function is called by the command header to instantiate the command when the end user selects it if it weren't previously instantiated.


Implementing the Command State chart Diagram

Below is the code to write in the BuildGraph method:

void CAADegAnalysisLogCmd::BuildGraph()
   _daPathElement = new CATPathElementAgent("SelFirstLine");
   _daPathElement->SetBehavior( CATDlgEngWithContext |
	                        CATDlgEngRepeat      |	                
                                CATDlgEngWithUndo );

  CATDialogState *stGetEltState = GetInitialState("stGetEltStateId");

  CATDialogTransition *pCntxMenuTransition =    AddTransition
		   IsLastModifiedAgentCondition(_daPathElement)  , 
		   Action((ActionMethod) & CAADegAnalysisLogCmd::CreateCntxMenu)
		) ; 

A CATPathElement instance is created as a data member of the dialog command class. It is valued for objects implementing the CAAISysLine interface using the AddElementType method, and when right clicking on their representations thanks to the CATDlgEngWithContext behavior in the SetBehavior method. The CATDlgEngRepeat behavior makes this dialog agent repeatable. A single state is created, and the dialog agent is added to it. The transition loops on this state, and whenever right clicking on a object matches the dialog agent, the CreateCntxMenu method is executed.


Creating the Action Method

This method is as follows.

CATBooleanCAADegAnalysisLogCmd::CreateCntxMenu(void * iData)
  // Selected Line 
  CATPathElement * pLinePath = _daPathElement->GetValue();
  CATBaseUnknown * pLine = NULL;
  if ( pLinePath && pLinePath->GetSize() )
    pLine = (*pLinePath)[pLinePath->GetSize()-1];

  if ( pLine)
    // Retrieves the contextual menu
    CATNotification *pNotif = GetLastNotification();
    CATDlgContextualMenu *pCntxMenu = ((CATContext*)pNotif)->GetContextualMenu();

    // Default Item Title 
    CATString StartString ("StartPoint");
    CATString MediumString("MediumPoint");
    CATString EndString ("EndPoint") ;

    // all these dialog objects are deleted when the contextual menu 
    // is deleted. The command does't delete them.
    CATDlgSeparatorItem *Separator = new CATDlgSeparatorItem(pCntxMenu,"separator");
    CATDlgPushItem * StartPoint    = new CATDlgPushItem(pCntxMenu,StartString) ;
    CATDlgPushItem * MediumPoint   = new CATDlgPushItem(pCntxMenu,MediumString) ;
    CATDlgPushItem * EndPoint      = new CATDlgPushItem(pCntxMenu,EndString) ;
    // NLS data in the NLS file of this command ( see this header file )

    // Callbacks
                             (CATCommandMethod) & CAADegAnalysisLogCmd::EndPoint, 
			     (void*) pLine );

			  (CATCommandMethod) & CAADegAnalysisLogCmd::MediumPoint, 
			  (void*) pLine );

			  (CATCommandMethod) & CAADegAnalysisLogCmd::StartPoint, 
			  (void*) pLine );
  return TRUE ;

This method is called when the transition of the BuildGraph method is executed. It:

Since the contextual menu is retrieved and updated with push items and a separator rather than being created, there is no need to delete the push items and the separator. They will be deleted when the contextual menu itself will be deleted by the destructor of the class that creates it. In the same way, there is no need to remove the callbacks. They will also be automatically  removed when the contextual menu will be deleted.


Creating the Callback Methods

The callback methods retrieve each the appropriate point to display, and call the ShowPoint method. Only StartPoint is shown here

void CAADegAnalysisLogCmd::StartPoint(CATCommand           * iSendingCommand, 
                                   CATNotification      * iSentNotification, 
                                   CATCommandClientData   iUsefulData)
  CATBaseUnknown * pLine = (CATBaseUnknown *) iUsefulData;
  if ( pLine )
    CAAISysLine * Line = NULL;                
    HRESULT rc = pLine->QueryInterface(IID_CAAISysLine, (void**)&Line);
    if (SUCCEEDED(rc))
      CATMathPoint point ;
      Line->GetStartPoint(point) ;
      Line -> Release();


The ShowPoint method creates a point instance, if it doesn't already exist, that implements the CAAISysPoint interface, and the point factory returns a pointer to this interface, and adds it to the Interactive Set of Objects. This makes it possible to display it. Then ShowPoint assigns to that instance the coordinates of the CATMathPoint instance passed from the called back method and updates the ISO with this point..

void CAADegAnalysisLogCmd::ShowPoint(CATMathPoint & iPoint)
  if ( NULL == _piTemporaryPoint ) 
    CAAISysGeomFactory * piSysGeomFactory = NULL;                
    HRESULT rc = _pContainer->QueryInterface(IID_CAAISysGeomFactory, 
    if (SUCCEEDED(rc))
      piSysGeomFactory -> Create(CAAISysGeomFactory::Point, IID_CAAISysPoint, 

      piSysGeomFactory -> Release();

  if (  NULL != _piTemporaryPoint )
    _piTemporaryPoint->SetCoord((float) iPoint.GetX(),
                                (float) iPoint.GetY(), 
                                (float) iPoint.GetZ());
    _pISO->UpdateElement(_piTemporaryPoint) ;


Managing the Command Lifecycle

The following methods are called by the command selector to manage the command when it becomes the active one, or when another command becomes active instead.

CATStatusChangeRC CAADegAnalysisLogCmd::Cancel(CATCommand *iCmd, CATNotification *iNotif)
  if (_TemporaryPoint)
    _TemporaryPoint= NULL ;
  return (CATStatusChangeRCCompleted);


Releasing the Indication Agent

A pointer to the selection agent was created in the command BuildGraph method as a data member to be accessed and used in different methods. It should be released when it becomes useless. This can be done in the command destructor, as shown here. This could also be done in the Cancel method called just before the destructor.

  if ( NULL != _daPathElement  )
     _daPathElement ->RequestDelayedDestruction() ;
     _daPathElement = NULL ;
  }  ...


Displaying the Contextual Menu when Clicking on Any Object and on the Background

The same command should now react to any object whose representation is right clicked. This includes the viewer background. To do this, replace the AddElementType method by the AcceptOnNotify method to make the dialog agent match any right click, and remove the CATDlgEngWithContext behavior from the AddElementType method. The rest of the method is unchanged.

void CAADegAnalysisLogCmd::BuildGraph()
  _daPathElement = new CATPathElementAgent("SelFirstLine");
  _daPathElement->AcceptOnNotify(NULL, "CATContext");

  CATDialogState * stGetEltState = GetInitialState("stGetEltStateId");

  CATDialogTransition * pCntxMenuTransition = AddTransition
           (stGetEltState,        // From state
            stGetEltState,        // To state
            Action((ActionMethod) & CAADegAnalysisLogCmd::CreateCntxMenu));

The CreateCtxMenu method is the same as above.


In Short

Contextual menus can be set onto objects implementing a given interface by any dialog command.





Version: 1 [Jan 2000] Document created

Copyright © 2000, Dassault Systèmes. All rights reserved.