Mechanical Design

Aerospace Sheet Metal Design

An Overview of the Aerospace Sheet Metal Design Features

Describing the specific characteristics of the Aerospace Sheet Metal Design Features
Technical Article


This article discusses the Part Design features. To take full advantage of this article, a pre-requisite knowledge of the Mechanical Modeler [1] is essential. 

What is an Aerospace Sheet Metal Feature

It is a Mechanical Feature designed to create surfacic sheet metal parts. The specificity of these type of parts is that they consist of a complex surface with a small thick.

Sheet Metal Features have two associated views : a Folded view and an UnFolded view :

Each Sheet Metal Feature may be considered as a set of 2 Mechanical Features ( 1 per view ). An Aerospace Sheet Metal Feature is a set of Sheet Metal Features. This internal model complexity explains that it is possible that you need to call specific method to update internal Features links (i.e. : Joggle : ManageOnSupport method) and that we suggest to update the Part instead of the Aerospace Sheet Metal Feature.


The Web Feature

A Web Feature is the base feature for all Aerospace Sheet Metal Feature. Only one Web can exist in a Part.

A Web Feature is a bounded planar surface. Next developpments should enable a non-planar surface.

The Web internal Model consists of :

a SUPPORT : the Surface on which the Web will be created.

a BOUNDARY : a set of Limits : Curves , Surfaces or a closed Sketch.

If a Limit is a Curve it will be projected on the Support Surface.

If a Limit is a Surface it will be intersected with the Support Surface.

The set of resulting Curves on the Support must represent a closed Wire ( the BOUNDARY ).


The Surfacic Flange Feature

A Surfacic Flange Feature is a Feature that stiffen the Part.

This Feature consists of a bounded Surface intersecting the Web or another Surfacic Flange.

The intersection between the Surfacic Flange and its Base Feature (IWBF) is filleted.

The sample above shows a Web bounded by five Surfacic Flanges.

The Surfacic Flange internal Model consists of :

a BASE FEATURE : the Web or another Surfacic Flange.

a SUPPORT : a Surface or a Curve which will be bounded by :

an EDGE OF PART (EOP) : a Curve or a Length limiting the opposit side to IWBF.

two SIDES : a Surface or a Curve defining left and right sides.

Some technological attributes : Bend Radius, Manufacturing Process, Compensation ...

The set of resulting Curves (IWBF, SIDE 1, EOP, SIDE 2) must represent a closed Wire (the Support boundary).


The Joggle Feature

A Joggle Feature is a local deformation ( twist ) of a Surfacic Flange or a Web.

This Feature consists of an offset (Depth) of its Support Surface (Surfacic Flange or Web) The Support Surface and the Offset Surface are joined by a ruled Surface (Runout).

The sample above shows a Joggle on Web and a Joggle on a Surfacic Flange.

The Joggle internal Model consists of :

a SUPPORT : the Web or a Surfacic Flange.

a PLANE : a CATPlane or a Planar Face defining the start of the Joggle.

the DEPTH : distance between the Support Surface and its offset Surface.

the RUNOUT : the Joggle Length.

the START RADIUS : Radius of the Fillet between between the Support Surface and the Runout.

the END RADIUS : Radius of the Fillet between between the offset Surface and the Runout.

The specificity of the Joggle is that it can not be isolated : a Joggle is always immerged in its Support Model ( like a contextual Feature ). A Joggle will thus be automatically deleted (desactivated) if its Support is deleted (desactivated).



[1] Mechanical Modeler Overview

In Short

This article has explained what is an Aerospace Sheet Metal Feature and has given a description of them.



Version: 1 [January 2005] Document created

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