Importing N4D Scenes into a DMU Navigator Session

This task shows you how to read an N4D scene in a DMU Navigator session.
When reading an N4D scene containing VPM parts, the parts are loaded only if the VPM connection has been manually launched before. There is not an automatic connection to VPM.
It is not possible to import N4D scenes that point to V4 session files.
You must have a DMU Navigator session running.
When N4D scenes are imported, it is imperative to have created a DLName in DMU V5 having the same name and the same path value as the V4 Declarative name.

If the product structure is loaded correctly but any representations do not appear, you should examine the .wrl file in a text editor in order to determine the V4 Declarative name and then create a corresponding DLName.

For more information about DLNames, see the Infrastructure User's Guide, Customizing, Customizing Settings, General, Document.


  1. Select Tools ->Import N4D Scene.

The Import N4D Scene File dialog box is displayed.


  1. Select the file location. The file type is wrl by default.

  2. Click Open in the dialog box.

The  N4D Scene document now looks like this:

When you import an N4D scene containing VPM data:
  • the data is imported in the product (UNIX only)
  • the root node of your imported scene will contain the Part name as designated in the VPM Product Structure Navigator

When you import an N4D scene containing Application data (sections, groups, annotated views (viewpoints and 2D markers), 3D annotation text), the data is imported in the V5 product.