Setting Up for ENOVIA

This task lists some of the options that need to be set, and steps that need to be taken, before using ENOVIA.
In general, you need to do the normal setup procedure when you use ENOVIA. However, there are some processes that are done differently and these are listed in this task. They are explained in more detail elsewhere in this section.
1. Most project resources need to be saved in ENOVIA. The project resource management file needs to be set up so that it is pointing to resources in ENOVIA.
2. Some options need to be set differently. Click Tools - Options to get to the Options dialog box and then:
  • Select General and the Document tab. In the Linked Document Localization window select ENOVIA LCA and click the UP button. The ENOVIA LCA line should be the first in the list.
  • Select Catalog Editor in the Infrastructure section. Check: Allow family component dynamic resolution in catalog. In the Folder field enter or navigate to the directory where resolved catalog parts will be generated. This only needs to be done before saving a resolved parts catalog in ENOVIA. You can leave the option checked.
3. Catalogs need to be saved in ENOVIA in a certain way. This is discussed elsewhere.
4. Cross document relationships: To ensure that cross document links are properly managed in the ENOVIA environment, you should correctly set the value of the resource "PublicationBasedConnections" in the project resource management file. See Understanding Project Resource Management for more information. Also, in both the CATIA and ENOVIA environments, the following environment variable should be defined: CrossDocLink=1

The note about cross document links is not relevant for structures applications like Structure Design.

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