Using Work Packages

This task explains the concept of work packages and how to create them. You can save work packages in an ENOVIA database, or save them to a local drive or server. You should also refer to Connections Between Work Packages and Managing Publications.

Work packages are necessary for efficient data organization and concurrent engineering. The biggest benefit, perhaps, is that they allow you to organize data in easily manageable units. Concurrent engineering refers to the practice of having several people, maybe even hundreds, work on the same project. If the design is created in one document then only one person can work on it. Creating several work packages provides the answer, by creating several documents under one root document.

Each document (or work package) contains the portion of design that one person is working on - such as placing equipment in one compartment of a ship. Publications are automatically (see below) created at the locations at which different documents connect. Each work package thus knows where it belongs within the product. If something is moved - say equipment to which a run connects - then the user will be alerted about it. The steps central to using work packages are explained below.

Work packages must be organized in a certain way. See Organizing Work Packages to learn how to do it.

1. CREATE A WORK PACKAGE: To create a work package, select the product and, in the menu bar, click Insert - New Product. In the simple example below, two work packages have been created. One contains the equipment and the other contains the run and piping that connect the two pieces of equipment. Thus, the person who owns the equipment work package can open the document at the same time that the piping engineer is working on his work package.

2. ADD DOCUMENTS: However, in order to be able to route from the equipment, the piping engineer will need to be able to see the equipment. In order to do this the piping engineer will need to import the equipment document. See Importing a Product for more information. Once he has imported both documents, he can make the piping document active and begin routing in it. When he saves, the piping information will be saved in the piping document.
3. PUBLISH CONNECTORS: Cross document connections can only be created between published connectors. A cross document connection is established when a connection is created between two objects in different work packages. (A cross document connection consists of two one-half connections, one in each of the involved work packages.)

When working between two work packages:   

  • When you do not have write access to the other work package, the connector that you are connecting to in this other work package must be published.
  • When you have write access to the other work package, the connector that you are connecting to need not be published. However, when you connect to this other work package, a publication between the two work packages is created automatically.
  • You cannot connect to an object in another work package when its connector is not published, and you do not have write access.
  • If you are placing equipment from one work package, owned by you, on a run that is in a second work package, owned by a second user, you need to do the following. Publish the connector on the run on which you will place the equipment. You also need to click the button Place New Part Under Active Parent , which is located in the General Environment Toolbar. This ensures that the equipment will be placed in the correct work package, which is the one owned by you. If you do not do this an attempt will be made to place the equipment in the work package containing the run, and you will get an error message because you do not own it. 
  To learn how to create connectors and publish/unpublish them see Creating Connectors.