A |
access part | Parts like doors, hatches, etc., used for access to a compartment. |
annotation | Used in schematic diagrams to annotate lines and components. Annotations may be entered manually, derived from an attribute, or placed by means of a text template as part of an annotations catalog. |
attribute | Characteristics of an object, such as length, flow rate, etc. Also referred to as property. |
attribute value | The value of any attribute is defined based on several criteria. The following list gives the order in which the value of an attribute is defined: defined in the parts catalog, specification catalog, adjacent part (selected connector), parent line ID, schematic definition, or keyed in by the user during the design process. |
automatic parts | Also known as AutoParts. They are parts that are placed automatically when a part is placed next to another part or when a part is inserted in a stretchable/bendable. Automatic parts are defined by rules that are in the automatic parts rules table. These rules are included in either the design rules catalog or the specification catalog. |
B |
boundary | A two or three dimensional reservation of space, used to separate or define portions of an area. Also, the outer limits of a compartment. |
branch | Routed object that is connected to another routed object at a mid-point between nodes. |
branching | The act of routing from an existing routable. The routing starts at a point between two nodes, not from a node. |
branching rules | A set of rules that define the valid branch part to be used in a branch situation between a main pipe/tube and a branch pipe/tube. The branching rules are associated to a specification catalog. Branching rules are used to standardize company criteria in regards to branch part selection. |
C |
catalog | A collection of parts and parts component catalog data. There are several types of catalog, such as a specifications catalog, standard catalog. Catalogs also contain the search criteria in the form of keyword values. These keywords map to the parts' attributes. Without these keywords it is not possible to perform intelligent searches for a specific design context. |
CATShape | A document that contains the graphic representation definition of a part. The user can define one or more CATShape (graphic representation) for a part. The primary graphic representation resides in the CATPart document, one or more secondary representations can be defined in CATShape documents. |
CATPart | A document that contains the definition of the main geometry and the technological attributes of a part. The primary graphic representation is contained in this document. |
CATProduct | A design document that represents a work package. This document may contain a 2D or 3D layout design. |
child | A status defining the genealogical relationship between two objects. |
clash | Interference type where a conflict is detected if two elements occupy the same zone space. |
closed loop run | A run whose ends are joined to each other. |
compass | A tool for defining direction. |
compatibility rules | Design rule used to select parts based on best possible match between two connectors. These rules are also used to orient a part based on the best fit with the existing part. |
component group | Used in schematic diagrams. Two or more connected components assembled to make up an individual assembly that can be stored and placed from a catalog |
conduit line | A mechanism for identifying and organizing conduit routes
and the components placed in them. Conduit lines allows the user to assign a category to a line and to define data that can be propagated to the members of the line at design time. Not all the data that is defined on the conduit line will be propagated to the conduit parts. |
connector | Location on a resource (components, parts, item reservation, etc.) used to attach other resources. Connectors can be created, modified or deleted. |
connector specs | Specification data that is assigned on connectors. These specifications are used during part placement to select a part that will best fit the specifications that are defined on the connector of the existing part. They are also used to orient the new part using the best possible compatibility rules. |
constraint | A geometric or dimension relation between two elements. |
context | In cable routing products, the work packages that are available for downstream processes, such as running reports, or routing cables. |
contour | The physical shape of an area. |
coordinates | The XYZ locations. |
cross document connections | A connection between two objects that are in different work packages. This connection is part of the network definition of a system/line. |
D |
definition | The physical characteristics of an element. Changing the definition changes the shape of an element. |
design rules catalog | Design rules catalog contains designing criteria that applies to an entire project and does not change when different standards or specifications are used. |
discrete values | Values, usually of an attribute, that are pre-defined. Instead of entering a value you select a value in a drop-down box. |
distribution system | An object used for organizing and grouping elements, mainly routables and resources, that distribute some commodity (fluid, air, etc.). |
document | The file in which a drawing or a project is created, sometimes also referred to as model. Document is the preferred terminology. |
downcomer | The legs of a hanger. |
E |
element | Any of the features contained in a document, such as component, line, etc. |
F |
fabrication | Used in HVAC Design. A contiguous grouping of connected HVAC parts. Analogous to spools in Piping Design or welded assemblies in Tubing Design. |
face | A surface on an object, usually item reservation or part. |
feature dictionary | The document in which object classes are defined. |
G |
generic attribute | An attribute whose value can be defined by the specifications catalog. This can generate new parts that are specific to a project without increasing the number of parts in the main catalog. |
grab | A Windows feature for clicking and dragging. |
graphic representation | A geometric representation of an object. An object may have multiple graphic representations. |
GVS file | Generative View Style definition file. This is an XML file that contains drawing customization definitions. These definitions will impact how a drawing is generated. This allows the user to customize the content of a 2D view, the graphical properties of the 2D lines that are used to represent the 3D objects. It also allows the applications to customize the way objects are represented based on view orientation. An example is how piping parts end styles are represented, etc. |
H |
HVAC line | A mechanism for identifying and organizing HVAC routes and
the components placed in them. HVAC lines allows the user to assign a category to a line and to define data that can be propagated to the members of the line at design time. Not all the data that is defined on the line will be propagated to the parts. |
HVAC section | A part that is used to split one section into multiple sections. It is one way of defining a branch that continues from the end of a part or a duct. |
hanger | Used for routing and supporting cables. They are also used to route and support pipes, ducts, conduits, raceways, etc. |
hole | An opening through an object. |
I |
I & C loop | Stands for Instrumentation & Control Loop. It is an object used for grouping and organizing instrumentation and control objects. |
ID schema | See object naming rules. |
intel_a | A Windows directory in which this application is stored and executed by default. |
instance | The object that you see in a design document. The instance points to a reference part, which contains the geometry and technology. In most cases an instance only contains unique identification, and location data. In some cases it may also contain values for some attributes. |
item reservation | A three dimensional reservation of space, in which one or more objects can be placed. A typical use of item reservation is to reserve space for 3D equipment early in the design process. This is used to capture space and to perform interference checking. |
L |
light object | A type of part that takes less disk space when placed and allows faster loading of documents. The display of this object is not stored in the reference document. Only the technological data is stored in the reference document. This allows reuse of references for many instances and reduces the number of CATPart documents that are needed during the design process. The display of this object is computed during the design process based on information that is stored on the instance. Example of light objects are: pipes, tubes, and welds. |
line ID |
A mechanism for identifying and organizing routes and components. Conduit, HVAC, Piping, Raceway, Tubing, Waveguide lines and I & C loops are line IDs. They allow the user to assign a category to a line and to define data that can be propagated to the members of the line at design time. Not all the data that is defined on the line will be propagated to the parts. |
M |
master | The controlling object in a relationship. Such a relationship can be created between some objects. |
member | Belonging to or part of, as in belonging to a line ID. |
N |
node | Symbols that mark the end of segments in routables. They can be used to move or manipulate segments. |
nozzle | A piece of pipe welded to a piece of equipment or vessel with a flanged end to which a pipe can be connected. |
O |
object class | An object class is the classification or type of object. |
object naming rules | A user defined template that contains the rules to be used when generating instance or reference name. Sometimes referred to as ID schema. |
offset plane | A command used to define a reference plane. |
override parameter | A parameter that has been defined as override during part build. The application will try to find a value for such parameters during part placement. Every time the part is instantiated, a unique reference will be created to represent the override parameters that are defined for the instance. Override parameter definition will cause an increase in disk space and memory usage. |
P |
parametric part | A part which has one or more attributes defined as override. This allows values to be assigned to those attributes at part placement time. |
parent | A status defining the genealogical relationship between two objects. |
part | The geometric representation of a 3D object. |
part types | Object classes. |
path reservation | A two or three dimensional reservation of space, in which assembly lines, conveyor belts, etc., can later be created. |
pathway | Path reservation. |
penetration candidate | Clash attribute that signifies whether the clash is a candidate for penetration management. |
penetration ID | Unique identifier based on a combination of penetration characteristics and a serial number. |
penetration request | The workflow process of creating a penetration. |
piping line | A mechanism for identifying and organizing piping routes
and the components placed in them. Piping lines are not physical, they are
defined early on before the logical schematic starts.
They allow the user to assign a category to a line and to define data that can be propagated to the members of the line at design time. Not all the data that is defined on the line will be propagated to the parts. The design categorization can be as follows: oxygen system, hydrogen system, waste water, etc. |
plane manipulator | A geometric tool to change the orientation, alignment, plane and location of a plane that is to be created. |
properties | Characteristics of an object, such as length, flow rate, etc. Also referred to as attribute. |
PRM | Project Resource Management file. An XML file that contains a definition of all the resources for a specific project. The PRM file allows the user to clearly identify and manage all resources associated to a project. Example: catalogs, dictionaries, line lists, etc. It also contains the location of each resource and the default definition. |
R |
raceway line | A mechanism for identifying and organizing raceway routes
and the components placed in them. Raceway lines allows the user to assign a category to a line and to define data that can be propagated to the members of the line at design time. Not all the data that is defined on the line will be propagated to the parts. |
reference part | Any part to which one or more instances point. The reference part is usually, but not always, stored in a catalog. The parts that you see in design documents are known as instances, and point to a reference part. When you place a resolved part several times in a document, all the instances point to the same reference part, saving space. In the case of a parametric part, a new reference part is created each time you place a part, using more disk space. |
reference plane | A plane that has been defined as an aid to performing certain functions, such as measuring distance. |
resource | A term used to refer to a type of setup data. Examples: catalogs, feature dictionary, etc. The term resource is also sometimes used to refer to parts. |
routable | Anything that can be routed, typically: run, path reservation and boundary. |
run | A three dimensional reservation of space, in which pipes and parts can later be placed. Runs define the layout design intent, such as bends, turn angles, and sections orientation. This definition will affect the selection, positioning and the default orientation of parts that are placed on the run. |
S |
scaling | An operation that resizes features to a percentage of their initial sizes. |
set point | The alignment point for a routable, such as run or path reservation, for which a section is defined. The set point determines, for example, whether the routing line drawn for a boundary represents the bottom left, bottom right, or bottom center of the boundary. There are three possible set points for a boundary and nine possible set points for a path reservation and run. |
slave | The following object in a relationship. Such a relationship can be created between some objects. |
snap | Join, as in snap together. Also snap to a grid, in which the position of an object is automatically adjusted to a grid. |
space reservation | A two or three dimensional reservation of space, in which equipment, pipes and parts can later be placed. |
specification catalog | Provides the ability to customize part selection and filtering. This can be done by associating a list of parts to a specification. A specification may also contain generic attribute values. These values will be propagated to the parts during part placement. Specification catalogs will expand the available number of parts in the master parts catalog through the generic attribute concept. The specification catalog will also contain rule definition dedicated to a specific project. An example of the rules are: turn rules, branching rules, welding rules, automatic parts rules, etc. |
specifications tree | A graphic display of the organizational structure of all elements in a document. |
spool | A grouping of objects. All objects in a spool must be contiguous and connected to each other. |
standards catalog | A standard is a collection of specifications and is used to ensure that all the parts you place, and the manner in which you place them, will meet certain minimum requirements or be within a certain range. A standard works by providing the ability to define values for attributes that are discrete. The values of the attributes are used during various operations in the setup or design process. Example: Anytime the user is trying to define a value for "Nominal Size" the user will be prompted to select from a predefined list that comes from a standard. Standards are not used for part selection. |
support line | A location on a routable used as a reference point for routing when the centerline is not used. It is also used in placing parts. The support line is defined by the set point (see above). |
system | A mechanism for organizing and grouping elements, mainly routables and resources. |
T |
tubing line | A mechanism for identifying and organizing tubing routes
and the components placed in them. Tubing lines are not physical, they are
defined early on before the logical schematic starts.
Tubing lines allows the user to assign a category to a line and to define data that can be propagated to the members of the line at design time. Not all the data that is defined on the line will be propagated to the parts. The design categorization can be as follows: oxygen system, hydrogen system, waste water, etc. |
turn angle | The angle formed between two segments of a 3D Run. Turn angle can be controlled during the design process through the Turn Rules which is associated to a Tubing or Piping specification catalog. |
W |
waveguide line | A mechanism for identifying and organizing waveguide routes
and the components placed in them. Waveguide lines allows the user to assign a category to a line and to define data that can be propagated to the members of the line at design time. Not all the data that is defined on the line will be propagated to the parts. |
welded assembly | Used in Tubing Design. A contiguous grouping of connected tubing parts. Analogous to spools in Piping Design and fabrication in HVAC Design. |
welding rules | A set of rules that define the valid weld part that should be used in a weld situation (Branch weld or In-Line weld) between a main pipe/tube and a branch pipe/tube. The welding rules are associated to a specification catalog. Welding rules are used to standardize company criteria in regards to weld part selection. |
work package | A CATProduct document that represents a 'design island'. When deciding on the size and the amount of data that is defined in a work package, the user needs to consider two factors: configuration management scenarios and concurrent engineering issues. |