Mirroring Elements

atarget.gif (1372 bytes) This task shows you how to move one or more elements to the opposite side of a selected plane, as a mirror image. It also shows how to copy one or more elements to the opposite side.
ascenari.gif (1364 bytes) 1. Select the element(s) you want to move. (You can also select after Step 2.)
2. Click the Mirror  icon buttonmirror.gif (580 bytes).
3. The Reference panel will display if you already have a reference plane defined (by having used the offset plane command).

dbmirrorreference.gif (5187 bytes)

Click the New Reference Plane button and follow Step 4 to define a new reference plane. Follow Step 4.b if you want to use the existing reference plane.

ainfo.gif (980 bytes) The Reference panel will not display if you do not have a reference plane already defined.
4. Define a reference plane across which to mirror the element by doing the following:
  1. Place your cursor over a geometric element that defines the plane (e.g., a construction plane, boundary, area contour, item reservation).

As you move the cursor, a small white rectangle is displayed to show the selectable planes, as shown below.

ainfo.gif (980 bytes) If you do not see the white rectangle, zoom out from the drawing. The white rectangle cannot be displayed if the element under your cursor is displayed too small.

AT0102mirrorbefore.gif (39529 bytes)

b. Click to select the plane.

The selected elements are mirrored to the other side of the plane, as shown below.

AT0102mirrorafter.gif (40440 bytes)


To Mirror and Copy the elements, follow the steps outlined above and then click the Mirror and Copy icon buttonmirrorcopy.gif (633 bytes). The selected elements will be copied to the other side of the plane. In the illustration above, the selected elements will stay where they are and two similar elements will be added to the other side of the plane.

aendtask.gif (1477 bytes)