Edit/Multi-edit Objects

This task shows you how to edit or multi-edit (edit more than one object at a time) objects. This allows you to edit properties that are unique to Structure Functional Design, and exist for the object you are editing.
To understand how objects are organized, refer to Organizing Seams and Breaks.

Stiffeners are used in the example below. However, the process is the same for other Structure Functional Design objects.

The matrix below describes what attributes can be modified for a given object.

  Object Child Object
Profile Geometry, Material & Orientation Material & Orientation
Plate Geometry, Material & Orientation Material & Orientation

If an attribute of an object is modified, the child objects that have the same value for the modified attribute as the parent had before the modification will also be modified.

NOTE: It is recommended that you select like objects for multi-editing - do not select a parent, and a child. If you select a parent object, and a separate child object, then the parent of that child will be edited. As a result, all the children of that parent will be edited.


Single Object

Right-click the object you want to edit (either in the tree or on the graphical representation). Select the object name in the drop down menu and then select the object category. (Double clicking the object takes you directly to the edit dialog box.)

2. The Stiffener dialog box displays. This is the same box that displays when you use the Create Stiffener command, with the difference that the Category and Name fields are grayed out. You cannot edit the category of an object. You can edit the name - to do so select Definition in the drop down menu explained above.

Select End in the dialog box and select the plane that is to be relimited to.

Click OK to accept.


Edit Multiple Objects

Multi-select the elements to be edited.

  4. The Stiffener dialog box displays. Select End in the dialog box and select the plane.

Click OK to accept.