Machine Tool Resources

All supported NC Machine resources are presented in this section:

Mfg3AxisMachine (3-axis Machine)


Describes the Mfg3AxisMachine resource attributes that are available in Machining workbenches.

Base Attributes

These attributes provide general information.

Type: String
Specifies the name of the resource.
Type: String
Associates a comment to the resource.

Numerical Control Attributes

These attributes characterize the machine controller and have an impact on the output format.

MFG_PP_WORD_TBL (Post Processor words table)
Type: String
Specifies the name of the PP words table which is used for creating Post Processor word syntaxes.
MFG_OUTPUT_TYPE (NC data type)
Type: String
Possible values:
Specifies the type of NC data output by the application. It can take the following values: APT (APT source, this is the default), CLF-3000 (clfile record types 3000 and 5000 are output), CLF-15000 (clfile record type 15000 is output), ISO.
MFG_OUTPUT_FRMT (NC data format)
Type: String
Possible values:
POINT (Point (X,Y,Z))
AXIS (Axis (X,Y,Z,I,J,K))
Specifies the format of the NC data output. It can take the following values: POINT (X,Y,Z point coordinates, by default), AXIS (X,Y,Z,I,J,K point coordinates and tool axis components).
MFG_STRT_PT_SYNT (Home point strategy)
Type: String
Possible values:
Specifies the type of trajectory on the start point: GOTO or FROM
MFG_MAX_FEEDRATE (Max machining feedrate)
Type: Real
Specifies the maximum machining feedrate. This is used in NC Manufacturing Verification product. Errors (tool collision with the stock) will be reported if the feedrate exceeds this value.
MFG_RAPID_FEED (Rapid feedrate)
Type: Real
Specifies the rapid feedrate. This is used to compute the total machining time and may replace the RAPID instruction in output APT files.
MFG_AXIAL_RADIAL_MOVE (Axial/Radial movement)
Type: Boolean (Yes/No)
Specifies the ability to generate automatically axial and radial movements to avoid collisions in axial operations
MFG_INT_LIN_3D (3D linear interpol.)
Type: Boolean (Yes/No)
Specifies if the machine is able to make a 3D linear interpolation between 2 points.
MFG_INT_CIRC_2D (2D circular interpol.)
Type: Boolean (Yes/No)
Specifies if the machine is able to make a 2D circular interpolation between 2 points.
MFG_INT_CIRC_3D (3D circular interpol.)
Type: Boolean (Yes/No)
Specifies if the machine is able to make a 3D circular interpolation between 2 points.
MFG_R_MIN_CIRC (Min interpol. radius)
Type: Real
Specifies the minimum radius of circular interpolation that the machine is able to achieve.
MFG_R_MAX_CIRC (Max interpol. radius)
Type: Real
Specifies the maximum radius of circular interpolation that the machine is able to achieve.
MFG_MIN_DISC (Min discretization step)
Type: Real
Specifies the minimum distance between two consecutive points that the machine is able to achieve.

The application compares the minimum discretization step and the machining tolerance. The larger of the two values is taken to be the minimum distance between two points.
When you generate NC data, any points that are spaced at a distance less than this value are eliminated from the output file.
As a result, the output may not be as smooth as the tool path in the session, if this descretization step is coarser than the machining tolerance of the operation.

MFG_MIN_ANGLE (Min discretization angle)
Type: Real
Specifies minimum angle between tool axis at two consecutive points that the machine is able to achieve. The application eliminates points whose tool axis orientation does not meet this criteria.
MFG_NURBS_OUTPUT (3D Nurbs interpolation)
Type: Boolean (Yes/No)
Specifies the ability to generate NURBS data in an APT output file.

Spindle Attributes

These attributes provide information on the spindle definition.

MFG_X_HOME_POS (Home point X)
Type: Real
Defines the X coordinate of the home point with respect to the reference machining axis system. Note that this point is taken into account when replaying a table rotation if this rotation is located at the first position of the program.
MFG_Y_HOME_POS (Home point Y)
Type: Real
Defines the Y coordinate of the home point with respect to the reference machining axis system. Note that this point is taken into account when replaying a table rotation if this rotation is located at the first position of the program.
MFG_Z_HOME_POS (Home point Z)
Type: Real
Defines the Z coordinate of the home point with respect to the reference machining axis system. Note that this point is taken into account when replaying a table rotation if this rotation is located at the first position of the program.
MFG_X_INIT_SPNDL (Orientation I)
Type: Real
Specifies the I component of the initial spindle orientation with respect to the reference machining axis system.
MFG_Y_INIT_SPNDL (Orientation J)
Type: Real
Specifies the J component of the initial spindle orientation with respect to the reference machining axis system.
MFG_Z_INIT_SPNDL (Orientation K)
Type: Real
Specifies the K component of the initial spindle orientation with respect to the reference machining axis system.

Mfg3AxisWithTableRotationMachine (3-axis With Rotary Table Machine)


Describes the Mfg3AxisWithTableRotationMachine resource attributes that are available in Machining workbenches.

Base Attributes

These attributes provide general information.

Type: String
Specifies the name of the resource.
Type: String
Associates a comment to the resource.

Numerical Control Attributes

These attributes characterize the machine controller and have an impact on the output format.

MFG_PP_WORD_TBL (Post Processor words table)
Type: String
Specifies the name of the PP words table which is used for creating Post Processor word syntaxes.
MFG_OUTPUT_TYPE (NC data type)
Type: String
Possible values:
Specifies the type of NC data output by the application. It can take the following values: APT (APT source, this is the default), CLF-3000 (clfile record types 3000 and 5000 are output), CLF-15000 (clfile record type 15000 is output), ISO.
MFG_OUTPUT_FRMT (NC data format)
Type: String
Possible values:
POINT (Point (X,Y,Z))
AXIS (Axis (X,Y,Z,I,J,K))
Specifies the format of the NC data output. It can take the following values: POINT (X,Y,Z point coordinates, by default), AXIS (X,Y,Z,I,J,K point coordinates and tool axis components).
MFG_STRT_PT_SYNT (Home point strategy)
Type: String
Possible values:
Specifies the type of trajectory on the start point: GOTO or FROM
MFG_MAX_FEEDRATE (Max machining feedrate)
Type: Real
Specifies the maximum machining feedrate. This is used in NC Manufacturing Verification product. Errors (tool collision with the stock) will be reported if the feedrate exceeds this value
MFG_RAPID_FEED (Rapid feedrate)
Type: Real
Specifies the rapid feedrate. This is used to compute the total machining time and may replace the RAPID instruction in output APT files.
MFG_AXIAL_RADIAL_MOVE (Axial/Radial movement)
Type: Boolean (Yes/No)
Specifies the ability to generate automatically axial and radial movements to avoid collisions in axial operations
MFG_INT_LIN_3D (3D linear interpol.)
Type: Boolean (Yes/No)
Specifies if the machine is able to make a 3D linear interpolation between 2 points.
MFG_INT_CIRC_2D (2D circular interpol.)
Type: Boolean (Yes/No)
Specifies if the machine is able to make a 2D circular interpolation between 2 points.
MFG_INT_CIRC_3D (3D circular interpol.)
Type: Boolean (Yes/No)
Specifies if the machine is able to make a 3D circular interpolation between 2 points.
MFG_R_MIN_CIRC (Min interpol. radius)
Type: Real
Specifies the minimum radius of circular interpolation that the machine is able to achieve.
MFG_R_MAX_CIRC (Max interpol. radius)
Type: Real
Specifies the maximum radius of circular interpolation that the machine is able to achieve.
MFG_MIN_DISC (Min discretization step)
Type: Real
Specifies the minimum distance between two consecutive points that the machine is able to achieve.

The application compares the minimum discretization step and the machining tolerance. The larger of the two values is taken to be the minimum distance between two points.
When you generate NC data, any points that are spaced at a distance less than this value are eliminated from the output file.
As a result, the output may not be as smooth as the tool path in the session, if this descretization step is coarser than the machining tolerance of the operation.

MFG_MIN_ANGLE (Min discretization angle)
Type: Real
Specifies minimum angle between tool axis at two consecutive points that the machine is able to achieve. The application eliminates points whose tool axis orientation does not meet this criteria.
MFG_NURBS_OUTPUT (3D Nurbs interpolation)
Type: Boolean (Yes/No)
Specifies the ability to generate NURBS data in an APT output file.
MFG_ROTABL_OUTPUT (Rotabl output in cycle)
Type: Boolean (Yes/No)
Specifies the ability to output Rotabl statement inside Axial operation cycle statement

Rotary Table Attributes

These attributes provide information on the rotary table and have an impact on table rotation capabilities.

MFG_X_ROT_CENTER (Center point X)
Type: Real
Defines the X coordinate of the center of rotation of the rotary table with respect to the reference machining axis system.
MFG_Y_ROT_CENTER (Center point Y)
Type: Real
Defines the Y coordinate of the center of rotation of the rotary table with respect to the reference machining axis system.
MFG_Z_ROT_CENTER (Center point Z)
Type: Real
Defines the Z coordinate of the center of rotation of the rotary table with respect to the reference machining axis system.
MFG_INIT_ROT_POS (Initial position)
Type: Real
If the machine has a rotary table, specifies the initial angular position of the rotary table.
MFG_ROTARY_ANGLE (Rotary angle)
Type: Real
If the machine has a rotary table, specifies the rotary angle.
MFG_ROTARY_AXIS (Rotary axis)
Type: String
Possible values:
If the machine has a rotary table, specifies which axis (A, B or C) of the reference machining axis system is parallel to the rotary axis.
MFG_ROT_DIR (Rotary direction)
Type: String
Possible values:
CLW (Clockwise)
CCLW (Counter-clockwise)
BOTH (Shortest)
Defines the rotary direction that the machine can accept: Clockwise, Counterclockwise, or Shortest.
MFG_ROT_TYP (Rotary type)
Type: String
Possible values:
ABS (Absolute)
Defines the rotary angle as absolute. This is the only option available in the current version.

Spindle Attributes

These attributes provide information on the spindle definition.

MFG_X_HOME_POS (Home point X)
Type: Real
Defines the X coordinate of the home point with respect to the reference machining axis system. Note that this point is taken into account when replaying a table rotation if this rotation is located at the first position of the program.
MFG_Y_HOME_POS (Home point Y)
Type: Real
Defines the Y coordinate of the home point with respect to the reference machining axis system. Note that this point is taken into account when replaying a table rotation if this rotation is located at the first position of the program.
MFG_Z_HOME_POS (Home point Z)
Type: Real
Defines the Z coordinate of the home point with respect to the reference machining axis system. Note that this point is taken into account when replaying a table rotation if this rotation is located at the first position of the program.
MFG_X_INIT_SPNDL (Orientation I)
Type: Real
Specifies the I component of the initial spindle orientation with respect to the reference machining axis system.
MFG_Y_INIT_SPNDL (Orientation J)
Type: Real
Specifies the J component of the initial spindle orientation with respect to the reference machining axis system.
MFG_Z_INIT_SPNDL (Orientation K)
Type: Real
Specifies the K component of the initial spindle orientation with respect to the reference machining axis system.

Mfg5AxisMachine (5-axis Machine)


Describes the Mfg5AxisMachine resource attributes that are available in Machining workbenches.

Base Attributes

These attributes provide general information.

Type: String
Specifies the name of the resource.
Type: String
Associates a comment to the resource.

Numerical Control Attributes

These attributes characterize the machine controller and have an impact on the output format.

MFG_PP_WORD_TBL (Post Processor words table)
Type: String
Specifies the name of the PP words table which is used for creating Post Processor word syntaxes.
MFG_OUTPUT_TYPE (NC data type)
Type: String
Possible values:
Specifies the type of NC data output by the application. It can take the following values: APT (APT source, this is the default), CLF-3000 (clfile record types 3000 and 5000 are output), CLF-15000 (clfile record type 15000 is output), ISO.
MFG_OUTPUT_FRMT (NC data format)
Type: String
Possible values:
POINT (Point (X,Y,Z))
AXIS (Axis (X,Y,Z,I,J,K))
Specifies the format of the NC data output. It can take the following values: POINT (X,Y,Z point coordinates, by default), AXIS (X,Y,Z,I,J,K point coordinates and tool axis components).
MFG_STRT_PT_SYNT (Home point strategy)
Type: String
Possible values:
Specifies the type of trajectory on the start point: GOTO or FROM
MFG_MAX_FEEDRATE (Max machining feedrate)
Type: Real
Specifies the maximum machining feedrate. This is used in NC Manufacturing Verification product. Errors (tool collision with the stock) will be reported if the feedrate exceeds this value
MFG_RAPID_FEED (Rapid feedrate)
Type: Real
Specifies the rapid feedrate. This is used to compute the total machining time and may replace the RAPID instruction in output APT files.
MFG_AXIAL_RADIAL_MOVE (Axial/Radial movement)
Type: Boolean (Yes/No)
Specifies the ability to generate automatically axial and radial movements to avoid collisions in axial operations
MFG_INT_LIN_3D (3D linear interpol.)
Type: Boolean (Yes/No)
Specifies if the machine is able to make a 3D linear interpolation between 2 points.
MFG_INT_CIRC_2D (2D circular interpol.)
Type: Boolean (Yes/No)
Specifies if the machine is able to make a 2D circular interpolation between 2 points.
MFG_INT_CIRC_3D (3D circular interpol.)
Type: Boolean (Yes/No)
Specifies if the machine is able to make a 3D circular interpolation between 2 points.
MFG_R_MIN_CIRC (Min interpol. radius)
Type: Real
Specifies the minimum radius of circular interpolation that the machine is able to achieve.
MFG_R_MAX_CIRC (Max interpol. radius)
Type: Real
Specifies the maximum radius of circular interpolation that the machine is able to achieve.
MFG_MIN_DISC (Min discretization step)
Type: Real
Specifies the minimum distance between two consecutive points that the machine is able to achieve.

The application compares the minimum discretization step and the machining tolerance. The larger of the two values is taken to be the minimum distance between two points.
When you generate NC data, any points that are spaced at a distance less than this value are eliminated from the output file.
As a result, the output may not be as smooth as the tool path in the session, if this descretization step is coarser than the machining tolerance of the operation.

MFG_MIN_ANGLE (Min discretization angle)
Type: Real
Specifies minimum angle between tool axis at two consecutive points that the machine is able to achieve. The application eliminates points whose tool axis orientation does not meet this criteria.
MFG_NURBS_OUTPUT (3D Nurbs interpolation)
Type: Boolean (Yes/No)
Specifies the ability to generate NURBS data in an APT output file.

Spindle Attributes

These attributes provide information on the spindle definition.

MFG_X_HOME_POS (Home point X)
Type: Real
Defines the X coordinate of the home point with respect to the reference machining axis system. Note that this point is taken into account when replaying a table rotation if this rotation is located at the first position of the program.
MFG_Y_HOME_POS (Home point Y)
Type: Real
Defines the Y coordinate of the home point with respect to the reference machining axis system. Note that this point is taken into account when replaying a table rotation if this rotation is located at the first position of the program.
MFG_Z_HOME_POS (Home point Z)
Type: Real
Defines the Z coordinate of the home point with respect to the reference machining axis system. Note that this point is taken into account when replaying a table rotation if this rotation is located at the first position of the program.
MFG_X_INIT_SPNDL (Orientation I)
Type: Real
Specifies the I component of the initial spindle orientation with respect to the reference machining axis system.
MFG_Y_INIT_SPNDL (Orientation J)
Type: Real
Specifies the J component of the initial spindle orientation with respect to the reference machining axis system.
MFG_Z_INIT_SPNDL (Orientation K)
Type: Real
Specifies the K component of the initial spindle orientation with respect to the reference machining axis system.

MfgHorizontalLatheMachine (Horizontal Lathe Machine)


Describes the MfgHorizontalLatheMachine resource attributes that are available in Machining workbenches.

Base Attributes

These attributes provide general information.

Type: String
Specifies the name of the resource.
Type: String
Associates a comment to the resource.

Numerical Control Attributes

These attributes characterize the machine controller and have an impact on the output format.

MFG_PP_WORD_TBL (Post Processor words table)
Type: String
Specifies the name of the PP words table which is used for creating Post Processor word syntaxes.
MFG_OUTPUT_TYPE (NC data type)
Type: String
Possible values:
Specifies the type of NC data output by the application. It can take the following values: APT (APT source, this is the default), CLF-3000 (clfile record types 3000 and 5000 are output), CLF-15000 (clfile record type 15000 is output), ISO.
MFG_OUTPUT_FRMT (NC data format)
Type: String
Possible values:
POINT (Point (X,Y,Z))
AXIS (Axis (X,Y,Z,I,J,K))
Specifies the format of the NC data output. It can take the following values: POINT (X,Y,Z point coordinates, by default), AXIS (X,Y,Z,I,J,K point coordinates and tool axis components).
MFG_STRT_PT_SYNT (Home point strategy)
Type: String
Possible values:
Specifies the type of trajectory on the start point: GOTO or FROM
MFG_MAX_FEEDRATE (Max machining feedrate)
Type: Real
Specifies the maximum machining feedrate. This is used in NC Manufacturing Verification product. Errors (tool collision with the stock) will be reported if the feedrate exceeds this value
MFG_RAPID_FEED (Rapid feedrate)
Type: Real
Specifies the rapid feedrate. This is used to compute the total machining time and may replace the RAPID instruction in output APT files.
MFG_AXIAL_RADIAL_MOVE (Axial/Radial movement)
Type: Boolean (Yes/No)
Specifies the ability to generate automatically axial and radial movements to avoid collisions in axial operations
MFG_INT_LIN_3D (3D linear interpol.)
Type: Boolean (Yes/No)
Specifies if the machine is able to make a 3D linear interpolation between 2 points.
MFG_INT_CIRC_2D (2D circular interpol.)
Type: Boolean (Yes/No)
Specifies if the machine is able to make a 2D circular interpolation between 2 points.
MFG_INT_CIRC_3D (3D circular interpol.)
Type: Boolean (Yes/No)
Specifies if the machine is able to make a 3D circular interpolation between 2 points.
MFG_R_MIN_CIRC (Min interpol. radius)
Type: Real
Specifies the minimum radius of circular interpolation that the machine is able to achieve.
MFG_R_MAX_CIRC (Max interpol. radius)
Type: Real
Specifies the maximum radius of circular interpolation that the machine is able to achieve.
MFG_MIN_DISC (Min discretization step)
Type: Real
Specifies the minimum distance between two consecutive points that the machine is able to achieve.

The application compares the minimum discretization step and the machining tolerance. The larger of the two values is taken to be the minimum distance between two points.
When you generate NC data, any points that are spaced at a distance less than this value are eliminated from the output file.
As a result, the output may not be as smooth as the tool path in the session, if this descretization step is coarser than the machining tolerance of the operation.

MFG_MIN_ANGLE (Min discretization angle)
Type: Real
Specifies minimum angle between tool axis at two consecutive points that the machine is able to achieve. The application eliminates points whose tool axis orientation does not meet this criteria.

Spindle Attributes

These attributes provide information on the spindle and have an impact on spindle capabilities.

MFG_X_ROT_CENTER (Center point X)
Type: Real
Defines the X coordinate of the center of rotation of the rotary table with respect to the reference machining axis system.
MFG_Y_ROT_CENTER (Center point Y)
Type: Real
Defines the Y coordinate of the center of rotation of the rotary table with respect to the reference machining axis system.
MFG_Z_ROT_CENTER (Center point Z)
Type: Real
Defines the Z coordinate of the center of rotation of the rotary table with respect to the reference machining axis system.
MFG_INIT_ROT_POS (Initial position)
Type: Real
If the machine has a rotary table, specifies the initial angular position of the rotary table.
MFG_ROTARY_ANGLE (Rotary angle)
Type: Real
If the machine has a rotary table, specifies the rotary angle.
MFG_ROT_DIR (Rotary direction)
Type: String
Possible values:
CLW (Clockwise)
CCLW (Counter-clockwise)
BOTH (Shortest)
Defines the rotary direction that the machine can accept: Clockwise, Counterclockwise, or Shortest.
MFG_ROT_TYP (Rotary type)
Type: String
Possible values:
ABS (Absolute)
Defines the rotary angle as absolute. This is the only option available in the current version.
MFG_LATHE_RAD_AX (Radial axis)
Type: String
Possible values:
Defines the radial axis (X, Y or Z)
MFG_LATHE_SPN_AX (Spindle axis)
Type: String
Possible values:
Defines the spindle axis (X, Y or Z)

Turret Attributes

These attributes provide information on the turret definition.

MFG_X_HOME_POS (Home point X)
Type: Real
Defines the X coordinate of the home point with respect to the reference machining axis system. Note that this point is taken into account when replaying a table rotation if this rotation is located at the first position of the program.
MFG_Y_HOME_POS (Home point Y)
Type: Real
Defines the Y coordinate of the home point with respect to the reference machining axis system. Note that this point is taken into account when replaying a table rotation if this rotation is located at the first position of the program.
MFG_Z_HOME_POS (Home point Z)
Type: Real
Defines the Z coordinate of the home point with respect to the reference machining axis system. Note that this point is taken into account when replaying a table rotation if this rotation is located at the first position of the program.
MFG_X_INIT_SPNDL (Orientation I)
Type: Real
Specifies the I component of the initial spindle orientation with respect to the reference machining axis system.
MFG_Y_INIT_SPNDL (Orientation J)
Type: Real
Specifies the J component of the initial spindle orientation with respect to the reference machining axis system.
MFG_Z_INIT_SPNDL (Orientation K)
Type: Real
Specifies the K component of the initial spindle orientation with respect to the reference machining axis system.

MfgVerticalLatheMachine (Vertical Lathe Machine)


Describes the MfgVerticalLatheMachine resource attributes that are available in Machining workbenches.

Base Attributes

These attributes provide general information.

Type: String
Specifies the name of the resource.
Type: String
Associates a comment to the resource.

Numerical Control Attributes

These attributes characterize the machine controller and have an impact on the output format.

MFG_PP_WORD_TBL (Post Processor words table)
Type: String
Specifies the name of the PP words table which is used for creating Post Processor word syntaxes.
MFG_OUTPUT_TYPE (NC data type)
Type: String
Possible values:
Specifies the type of NC data output by the application. It can take the following values: APT (APT source, this is the default), CLF-3000 (clfile record types 3000 and 5000 are output), CLF-15000 (clfile record type 15000 is output), ISO.
MFG_OUTPUT_FRMT (NC data format)
Type: String
Possible values:
POINT (Point (X,Y,Z))
AXIS (Axis (X,Y,Z,I,J,K))
Specifies the format of the NC data output. It can take the following values: POINT (X,Y,Z point coordinates, by default), AXIS (X,Y,Z,I,J,K point coordinates and tool axis components).
MFG_STRT_PT_SYNT (Home point strategy)
Type: String
Possible values:
Specifies the type of trajectory on the start point: GOTO or FROM
MFG_MAX_FEEDRATE (Max machining feedrate)
Type: Real
Specifies the maximum machining feedrate. This is used in NC Manufacturing Verification product. Errors (tool collision with the stock) will be reported if the feedrate exceeds this value
MFG_RAPID_FEED (Rapid feedrate)
Type: Real
Specifies the rapid feedrate. This is used to compute the total machining time and may replace the RAPID instruction in output APT files.
MFG_AXIAL_RADIAL_MOVE (Axial/Radial movement)
Type: Boolean (Yes/No)
Specifies the ability to generate automatically axial and radial movements to avoid collisions in axial operations
MFG_INT_LIN_3D (3D linear interpol.)
Type: Boolean (Yes/No)
Specifies if the machine is able to make a 3D linear interpolation between 2 points.
MFG_INT_CIRC_2D (2D circular interpol.)
Type: Boolean (Yes/No)
Specifies if the machine is able to make a 2D circular interpolation between 2 points.
MFG_INT_CIRC_3D (3D circular interpol.)
Type: Boolean (Yes/No)
Specifies if the machine is able to make a 3D circular interpolation between 2 points.
MFG_R_MIN_CIRC (Min interpol. radius)
Type: Real
Specifies the minimum radius of circular interpolation that the machine is able to achieve.
MFG_R_MAX_CIRC (Max interpol. radius)
Type: Real
Specifies the maximum radius of circular interpolation that the machine is able to achieve.
MFG_MIN_DISC (Min discretization step)
Type: Real
Specifies the minimum distance between two consecutive points that the machine is able to achieve.

The application compares the minimum discretization step and the machining tolerance. The larger of the two values is taken to be the minimum distance between two points.
When you generate NC data, any points that are spaced at a distance less than this value are eliminated from the output file.
As a result, the output may not be as smooth as the tool path in the session, if this descretization step is coarser than the machining tolerance of the operation.

MFG_MIN_ANGLE (Min discretization angle)
Type: Real
Specifies minimum angle between tool axis at two consecutive points that the machine is able to achieve. The application eliminates points whose tool axis orientation does not meet this criteria.

Spindle Attributes

These attributes provide information on the spindle and have an impact on spindle capabilities.

MFG_X_ROT_CENTER (Center point X)
Type: Real
Defines the X coordinate of the center of rotation of the rotary table with respect to the reference machining axis system.
MFG_Y_ROT_CENTER (Center point Y)
Type: Real
Defines the Y coordinate of the center of rotation of the rotary table with respect to the reference machining axis system.
MFG_Z_ROT_CENTER (Center point Z)
Type: Real
Defines the Z coordinate of the center of rotation of the rotary table with respect to the reference machining axis system.
MFG_INIT_ROT_POS (Initial position)
Type: Real
If the machine has a rotary table, specifies the initial angular position of the rotary table.
MFG_ROTARY_ANGLE (Rotary angle)
Type: Real
If the machine has a rotary table, specifies the rotary angle.
MFG_ROT_DIR (Rotary direction)
Type: String
Possible values:
CLW (Clockwise)
CCLW (Counter-clockwise)
BOTH (Shortest)
Defines the rotary direction that the machine can accept: Clockwise, Counterclockwise, or Shortest.
MFG_ROT_TYP (Rotary type)
Type: String
Possible values:
ABS (Absolute)
Defines the rotary angle as absolute. This is the only option available in the current version.
MFG_LATHE_RAD_AX (Radial axis)
Type: String
Possible values:
Defines the radial axis (X, Y or Z)
MFG_LATHE_SPN_AX (Spindle axis)
Type: String
Possible values:
Defines the spindle axis (X, Y or Z)

Turret Attributes

These attributes provide information on the turret definition and have an impact on turret capabilities.

MFG_X_HOME_POS (Home point X)
Type: Real
Defines the X coordinate of the home point with respect to the reference machining axis system. Note that this point is taken into account when replaying a table rotation if this rotation is located at the first position of the program.
MFG_Y_HOME_POS (Home point Y)
Type: Real
Defines the Y coordinate of the home point with respect to the reference machining axis system. Note that this point is taken into account when replaying a table rotation if this rotation is located at the first position of the program.
MFG_Z_HOME_POS (Home point Z)
Type: Real
Defines the Z coordinate of the home point with respect to the reference machining axis system. Note that this point is taken into account when replaying a table rotation if this rotation is located at the first position of the program.
MFG_X_INIT_SPNDL (Orientation I)
Type: Real
Specifies the I component of the initial spindle orientation with respect to the reference machining axis system.
MFG_Y_INIT_SPNDL (Orientation J)
Type: Real
Specifies the J component of the initial spindle orientation with respect to the reference machining axis system.
MFG_Z_INIT_SPNDL (Orientation K)
Type: Real
Specifies the K component of the initial spindle orientation with respect to the reference machining axis system.

Traverser Attributes

These attributes provide information on the lathe traverser definition.

MFG_TRAVERSE_NB (Traverse number)
Type: Integer
Defines the number of traverse
MFG_TRAV_PITCH (Traverse pitch)
Type: Real
Defines the pitch between two traverses