Generate APT Source File in Batch Mode

task target This task shows you how to generate NC code in APT format from the manufacturing program or part operation in batch mode.
For best results, you should first verify the machining operations of your program by means of a replay or simulation. There should be no operations to be updated or in an undefined state.

Always save your program modifications before generating the NC code.

scenario 1. Select Generate NC Code in Batch Mode in the NC Output Management toolbar.
The following dialog box appears.

In the In/Out tab page...

2. Select the manufacturing document to be processed using the Input CATProcess [...] button. The current document is proposed by default.
  3. Select the type of NC entity to be processed.
  • Part Operations: Select one part operation in the input CATProcess. In this case all the manufacturing programs of the selected part operation will be processed.
  • Manufacturing Programs: Select one or more manufacturing programs in the input CATProcess.
4. Select APT as the NC data type that you want to generate.
  5. Select the desired One file... option.
  • For all selected programs to generate a single APT source for all the selected manufacturing programs.
  • By program to generate a single APT source for each selected manufacturing program.
  • By Machining operation to generate a single APT source for each machining operation in the selected manufacturing programs.
    Note that this option is not supported in programs containing Copy or Tracut Operators.
6. To store the resulting NC data file at the same location as the input CATProcess, select the Store at same location as the CATProcess check box.

Otherwise, specify the Output file where you want the NC data to be written using the [...] button.

A default name is proposed for the output file (for example,
Process1_Manufacturing_Program_1.aptsource). This name can be modified directly in the Output File text field.

On subsequent batch executions, the filename and the path of the last generated output are remembered if the Store at same location as the CATProcess check box is not selected. If this option is selected, only the filename of last generated output is remembered.

7. To authorize overwriting an existing like-named APT source, select the Replace like-named file check box.
8. To write the CATProcess document after processing, select the Save Input CATProcess check box.
Specify where you want to save this document using the [...] button.
  9. To authorize overwriting an existing like-named CATProcess document, select the Replace like-named CATProcess check box.
10. To attach the generated output file to the first selected manufacturing program, select the Associate output NC file to the program check box.

To access the output file, right-click the manufacturing program and select Display NC File.

See Manufacturing Program with Associated NC File for additional information.

  11. Select the Lock operations check box to lock all the machining operations after processing.
Refer to Locked Machining Operations for more information.

In the Tool Motions tab page...

  12. Specify the options to be used for processing the tool motions.

Some of these options can be set to take machine characteristics into account: set the option to From Machine.

Refer to NC Data Options for more information.


In the Formatting tab page...

  13. Specify the formatting options. These options determine how information is to be presented on the output file (for example, general information statements to be presented with the PPRINT syntax).

Refer to NC Data Options for more information.

14. Click Execute to generate the APT source file.
Refer to Syntax of Generated APT Instructions for more information about the NC data output.

end of task