Define the Tool Axis

task target This task shows how to define the tool axis orientation by means of the Tool Axis dialog box.
scenario 1. Select the tool axis symbol in the machining operation editor's machining strategy tab .

The Tool Axis dialog box appears.

  2. Select one of the modes that are proposed for defining the tool axis.

Manual mode

    Select Manual from the list, then choose one of the following:
  • Components to define the tool axis orientation by means of I, J and K components.

  • Angles to define the orientation by means of a rotation specified by means of one or two angles.

    • Angle 1 about X, Angle 2 about Y
      The tool axis is a rotated an Angle 1 about the x-axis, then rotated an Angle 2 about the y-axis.
    • Angle 1 about Z, Angle 2 about X
      The tool axis is a rotated an Angle 1 about the z-axis, then rotated an Angle 2 about the x-axis.
    • Angle 1 about Y, Angle 2 about Z
      The tool axis is a rotated an Angle 1 about the y-axis, then rotated an Angle 2 about the z-axis.

In Manual mode, clicking will orient the tool axis perpendicular to the screen view.

Selection mode

    Select Selection from the list, then:
  • if you select a line or linear edge, the tool axis will have the same orientation as that element
  • if you select a planar element, the tool axis will be normal to that element
  • if you select a revolution element, the tool axis will be the revolution axis of that element.

Tip: If you want to use the normal of the surface of revolution, proceed as follows.
Use the Normal View command in the View toolbar, to position the part on the screen according to the normal to the selected surface at the selection point.
Then in the axis selection dialog box, use the option to orient the tool axis normal to the screen selection.


Points in the View mode

    Select Points in the View from the list, then select two points in the 3D viewer to define the tool axis orientation.

Feature Defined mode

    Select Feature defined from the list, then select the machining feature in the 3D viewer. For example, if you select an axial machining feature then the axis of the feature is taken as the tool axis.

Tool and Tool Axis Display capabilities

    The tool axis is visualized by means of an arrow. The tool axis direction can be reversed by clicking Reverse Direction in the dialog box.

You can select the Display tool checkbox to display the tool and check that the tool is correctly orientated. You can also choose to display the tool at the Default position or at a User-defined position.

For a user-defined position, click the [...] button and select the desired position in the 3D viewer.

3. Click OK to accept the specified tool axis orientation.
When a generic machine with one or two rotary axes on the head is referenced by the Part Operation, you can check machine accessibility when defining the tool axis of a machining operation. The Tool Axis dialog box includes more options in this case. Please refer to Check Machine Accessibility at Tool Axis Definition for more information.

end of task