Creating CV Joints

This task shows how to create Point Surface joints in a V5 mechanism.

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Open the Create_CVjoint.CATProduct document.

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When you create joints, you can define the mechanism within the same dialog box. Remember though, that you create a mechanism independently from the joints by selecting Insert > New Mechanism... from the menu bar.

  1. Click the arrow within the Revolute Joint icon from the DMU Kinematics toolbar (Revolute joint is the default joint type)

  2. Undock the Kinematics Joints toolbar:

  3. Select CV Joint . The Joint Creation: CV Joint dialog box is displayed.

  4. Click New Mechanism. The Mechanism Creation dialog box is displayed:

    In our example, keep the default name Mechanism.1.

  5. Select Spin 1 either in the geometry area or in the specification tree. In our example, select the blue cylinder axis as shown below:

    The current selection field is automatically updated.

  6. Select Spin 2, for example the green cylinder axis:

  7. Select Spin 3, the yellow cylinder axis.

  8. Click Ok to end the CV joint creation.

    The tree is updated:

    Note, you need to add a fixed part and to create revolute joints (with at least one command) to simulate this mechanism.

  9. Open the CVjoint_Result.CATProduct document to check your result and simulate the mechanism
    (double-click mechanism.1 to display the Simulation with command dialog box).


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For more information, refer to About Joints and Creating Mechanisms and Joints.