Click Combined Masses
in the Masses toolbar.
The Combined Masses dialog box appears.
Select in sequence the masses you want to combine.
In this particular example, select:
Select the first line in the dialog box.
When you select one or several lines, the number of
selected lines appears in the dialog box.
Right-click the selected line.
You can access the following contextual menus:
Edit Coefficient: lets you modify the
combination coefficient of the selected mass set.
Delete: lets you delete the selected
line from the list.
Delete All: lets you delete all the
content of the list.
Show Path: lets you hide or show the
path of the selected mass set.
Select Edit Coefficient.
The Parameter dialog box appears. |
Enter 3 and click OK.
Select the second line, right-click it and select
Edit Coefficient.
Enter 2 and click OK.
The Combined Masses dialog box is updated:
Click OK.
A Combined Masses.1 object appears in
the specification tree.