Inserting a Combined Case

This task shows you how to insert combined cases and how to define:

A combined solution is a linear combination of several solutions: static solutions (multi-load or not), assembled solutions, imported solutions (either V4 or V5 imported solutions).

You can compute a small number of static cases and perform lots of combinations when performing post-processing analyses.

Only available with the ELFINI Structural Analysis (EST) product.


Combine Mono-occurrence Solutions

Open the sample03.CATAnalysis document from the samples directory.

  1. Select Insert > Combined Case .

    The Combined Case.1 analysis case appears in the specification tree. 

  2. Double-click Combined Static Case Solution.1 in the specification tree to edit it.

    The Combined Solution dialog box appears.

    • Name: lets you change the name of the combined solution.
    • Analysis Sets: gives you the number of analysis solutions that are selected.
    • Index: gives you the identification number of the selected solution.
    • Selected Solution: lets you select the solutions you want to combine. You can combine assembled solutions, imported solutions (either V4 or V5 imported solutions), static solution and occurrences of static multi-load solutions. You cannot combine combined solutions.

      The selected solutions must belong to cases that share the same restraint set.

      A warning message is displayed when performing a Mesh only computation if the selected solutions are based on different restraint sets or if the selected solutions have no restraint set (imported solution). However the combined solution is computed.

    • Coefficient: lets you associate a coefficient value to each selected solution. You can enter a negative value.

      To edit the coefficient value, you can:

      • Use the Edit Coefficient contextual menu.
        To know more refer to the description of the available contextual menus.

      • Edit it directly in the Combined Solution dialog box.
        To do this, select the desired line, click the Coefficient value, modify the value and press Enter.

    • Occurrence: lets you associate one occurrence to the selected solution (this is not applicable for mono-occurrence solutions). You can select only one occurrence per solution.

      It is not possible to select several occurrences of the same multi-occurrence solution. If you want to combine several occurrences of a same multi-occurrence solution, you have to select the multi-occurrence solution several times and associate to each selection a different occurrence.

      In the Occurrence column:
      • Not applicable appears if you select a mono-occurrence solution.
      • No selection appears when you select a multi-occurrence solution. You have to specify the occurrence you want to combine otherwise the associated and selected solution will be ignored during the computation.
      • Not found appears if the previously selected occurrence does not exist anymore.
    • Path: gives you the path of the selected solution.
  3. If needed, modify the name of the solution in the Name box.

  4. Select Static Case Solution.1 and Static Case Solution.2 in the specification tree.

    The Combined Solution dialog box is updated and displays the following information:

    Note that: in this particular case the Occurrence list shows Not applicable because the two selected solutions are mono-occurrence.

  5. Select and then right-click the second line.

    • Edit Coefficient: lets you modify the coefficient associated to a selected solution.
      You can change the coefficient value of several lines.
      To do this, multi-select the desired lines in the list, right-click and select Edit Coefficient.
    • Edit Occurrence: lets you select the occurrence you want to combine.
      To know more, refer to Combine Multi-occurrence Solutions.
    • Delete: lets you remove the selected solution from the list of solutions to be combined.
    • Delete All: lets you remove all the selected solutions from the list of solutions to be combined.
    • Show Path: lets you display or hide the path column in the list of solutions to be combined.
  6. Select Edit Coefficient.

    The Parameter dialog box appears.

  7. Enter 2 in the Coefficient box and click OK.

    The Combined Solution dialog box is updated.

  8. Click OK.


Combine Multi-occurrence Solutions

Open the sample46.CATAnalysis document from the samples directory.

  1. Select Insert > Combined Case .

  2. Double-click Combined Static Case Solution.1 in the specification tree.

  3. Select Static Case Solution.1 and Static Case Solution.3 in the specification tree.

    Static Case Solution.1 is a mono-occurrence solution, so the occurrence column is useless. The case corresponding to Static Case Solution.3 contains a multi-load set. You can now select the occurrence.

  4. Select and right-click the second line in the Combined Solution dialog box.

  5. Select Edit Coefficient.

  6. Enter 1 in the Coefficient box and click OK.

  7. Select Edit Occurrence.

    The Select Occurrence dialog box appears.

  8. Select the line corresponding to Loads.3 and click OK.

    The Combine Solution dialog box is updated.

  9. Click OK.


You can now compute the combined cases you have created.