About Presentations


The DMU Presentation enables an efficient review of issues on a mock-up by displaying the right level of information at the right time. A DMU Presentation can concurrently activate a list of applicative data entities combined with chosen visualization effects. You can easily navigate among your presentations using an intuitive browser, thus enabling you to coherently present the analysis performed on the mock-up during a design review meeting.


Selecting and Organizing Applicative Data

  • A DMU Presentation can point to multiple applicative data entities. These applicative data entities will be displayed in the main viewer when you browse the DMU Presentations.
  • A DMU Presentation can only be created in a DMU Review (DMU Presentation creation in the Application node is not supported).
  • It can point to DMU applicative data belonging to the current DMU Review or to the parent DMU reviews.
  • A DMU Review can contain as many DMU Presentations as needed.

Applicative Data Managed by a DMU Presentation

  • Annotated view and attached 2D markers
  • 3D Text
  • Hyperlinks
  • Group
  • Measure
  • Section
  • Distance or band analysis
  • Light
  • Camera
  • Environment
  • Scene



Presentation Activation Rules

The DMU Presentation introduces a new notion of activation for applicative data. Activating applicative data from a DMU Presentation point of view is to make visible the information held by the entity. (This is different from the habitual activation rule, which enables you to edit the applicative  data.)

When activating/browsing a DMU Presentation, only the applicative data pointed to by the DMU Presentation are activated, all other applicative data are deactivated.

It might not be possible to activate simultaneously all of the applicative data associated to the DMU Presentation, e.g. two annotated views cannot be activated at the same time because they have two different viewpoints.

Cumulative applicative data types

For the following applicative data types, activation is cumulative, i.e. all of the applicative data these types can be simultaneously activated:

  • 3D Text
  • Hyperlinks
  • Group
  • Measure
  • Section
  • Distance or band analysis
  • Light
  • Environment

Exclusive applicative data types

For the following applicative data types, activation is exclusive, i.e. only the last applicative data entity of these types can be activated at a given time,  plus it is possible that there will be conflicts between them:

  • Annotated view
  • Camera
  • Scene

Rules for the simultaneous activation of multiple DMU Applicative data

The last applicative data entry in the list will have priority. You can reorder the applicative data of a DMU Presentation in order that the desired applicative data will be activated when you activate the Presentation.

Example 1

Given the following list of applicative data associated to the DMU Presentation:


the activated applicative data will be:

Group.2 (groups are cumulative)
Measure.2 (measures are cumulative)
(the viewpoint of the scene supercedes the viewpoints of the Camera.2 and AnnotatedView.2)

Example 2

Given the following list of applicative data associated to the DMU Presentation:


the activated applicative data will be:

Group.2 (groups are cumulative)
Measure.2 (measures are cumulative)
(the viewpoint of the Camera.1 supercedes the viewpoint of the Scene.2 and AnnotatedView.2)


VBScript support

Scripts can be written using VBScript for DMU Presentation processes.


Known Limitations

  • Only one action is available per applicative data type
  • Only a limited number of applicative data types are managed by the DMU Presentation
  • If a scene is contained in a DMU Presentation and if scene-related attributes are modified during the browse, then the scene itself is modified