Exporting and Importing 2D Annotations


You can export your 2D annotations to other users in an XML file. Likewise, you can import 2D annotations that other users have sent you.

You have opened a 2D document and created an annotated view.

To export 2D annotations

  1. In the DMU 2D Annotations toolbar, click the Import icon .  
    The Annotated Views file export dialog box appears. 

  1. Browse to the folder in which you wish to save the xml file containing the annotations.

  2. In the File name text-entry field, enter the name of the file.

  3. Click the Save button.



To import 2D annotations


  1. In the DMU 2D Annotations toolbar, click the Import icon .  
    The Annotated Views file import dialog box appears. 

  1. Browse to the folder from which you wish to import an xml file containing  annotations.

  2. Select the desired file and click the Open button.
    The annotated view contained in the xml file will be added to the annotated views listed in the Specification Tree.