Whereas a proximity query enables you to find
all of the neighbors of a chosen part, a zone query enables you to find all
of the parts included within a designated bounding box.
Insert all the GARDENA model documents from
the cfysm samples folder:
In the DMU Review Navigation toolbar, click
the Spatial Query icon
The Spatial Query dialog box is displayed:
A Filter option enables you to filter out
certain elements from the query result:
- Shown products only: if checked, the no show products will not be
taken into account
- Activated products only: if checked, the inactivated products will
not be taken into account
Click the Zone Query tab.
A bounding box appears surrounding the model.
The bounding box has two kinds of manipulators:
- the edges of the bounding box (depicted by dotted lines) enable you
to translate the bounding box
- the corners of the bounding box (depicted by solid lines) enable
you to resize the bounding box
To translate the bounding box, move the mouse over one of
the bounding box's edges.
A double-headed green arrow appears along the selected
edge, indicating the directions in which you can translate the bounding
Click and drag in the desired direction.
The bounding box is translated accordingly.
To resize the bounding box, move the mouse over one of
the bounding box's corners.
A double-headed green arrow appears along the selected
corner, indicating the directions in which you can resize the bounding
Click and drag in the desired direction.
The bounding box is resized accordingly.
Using any combination of translates and resizes, define
the bounding box you wish to apply for your zone query.
In the Spatial Query dialog box, define which
products you wish to select (only products completely included within the
bounding box or products either completely included within or
partially included within) by clicking the corresponding Products to
select radio button.
Click the Search button to launch the query.
The result is displayed in the Result zone of the dialog box.
To keep the selection, click the Select
To keep only the selected parts in the show space, in the
Specification Tree, right-click the selection and choose Selection
Mode -> Others in the contextual menu, then send this selection to
the hide space by selecting Views -> Hide / Show -> Hide / Show.
You can now work with a simplified product.
In the Result list, you can deselect products
you do not need using Crtl + Select.
A Filter option enables you to filter out certain elements from the
query result:
- Shown products only: if checked, the no show products will not be
taken into account
- Activated products only: if checked, the inactivated products will
not be taken into account